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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Do not touch the dancers (Part 1)

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Ray had always been faithful to his wife. He had loved her tremendously, but with the divorce papers now signed, he accepted the fact it was over. In his sad state, he drove out to the local strip club, a place he had never set a foot inside of previously. After a few drinks, he decided money was no object and paid to have a private dance in one of the curtained off rooms.A large sign said “Do Not Touch the Dancers,” but Ray asked if he could pay just a little more for an exception to the rule. The dancer hesitated. Ray was offering her a lot of money, but the owners had insisted the rule was firm. After a bit of negotiating, she agreed to let Ray touch her ass. He placed both palms firmly on her cheeks and started to feel strange. The woman disappeared from his sight, he was alone in the room, and it seemed his arms were now reaching behind him with his hands on his own butt. Except it wasn’t his butt. It was too soft and smooth. It was wrong; it was all wrong. A mirrored wall to his left revealed what had happened: he was now inside of the dancer’s body! He was now her!