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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Buy It Now

Ken breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the old book was still there. It had gone up for auction yesterday, but it didn’t receive a single bid. That meant it was up to him and his co-worker Sarah to put it up online in an attempt to get some sort of money for it. She and Ken had opened it up and examined it, attempting to get a better description. It was filled with words in a strange language. Sarah had attempted to read a bit of it, but it sounded so strange. Neither expected those words to be an ancient spell that would result in them swapping bodies. Ken was shocked to wake up the next morning in Sarah’s bed. He got dressed as quickly as he could, not even caring how short the first skirt he came across was. Upon looking at a few items they had worked with yesterday, he was sure it was the book. He needed to get it out of there. But just as he was about to, another co-worker entered.

“Hey, Sarah,” He told Ken, “Let’s get ready to ship that book. We got a bidder that picked the ‘Buy It Now’ option with overnight shipping.”

Ken began to panic. He and Sarah were only going to have one shot at getting this right. She’d have to find the same page, recite the words again, and both would have to cross their fingers that they’d be back in their own bodies tomorrow.

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