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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Cheap Vacation (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.

Brian and Luke didn’t exactly know much about being flight attendants. They just sort of winged it by wheeling the beverage and snack carts out from time to time. Of course, they snuck a few shots of whiskey and vodka from the beverage cart and found their borrowed bodies couldn’t quite handle as much alcohol as the ones they were used to. It wasn’t long before they ditched the carts and headed back to the flight attendant area in the back of the plane.

They began to hit on each other and fool around a little.

“I wish I had my dick right now,” Brian so slurred, “Then I’d so do you.”

“Same here. I wish I had mine as well,” Luke slurred back.

“But if we...if we both had it...then how could we? How would that work?”

“If we both had it; we wouldn’t be hot chicks. We wouldn’t want to.”

Luke and Brian thought they were being discreet with their pillow talk, but in their drunken state, they were actually yelling at each loud enough for the entire plane to hear...

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