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Sunday, August 18, 2019


“And I hope this body swapping curse teaches you...wait, why are you smiling,” Angela asked confused after using a magic spell to swap bodies with the guy who had been ogling her as she passed by him.

“Because this a dream come true,” Marvin responded, “I wasn’t staring at you because I wanted to ask you out or get you into bed, I was staring because I wanted to BE you. And now somehow you made that happen. You have no idea how it feels to be like you’re the wrong gender, and then somehow like magic it’s solved. Thank you! Thank you so much!”

Angela didn’t quite know how to respond. She was hoping to teach a creep a lesson by making him experience what it was like to be a woman for a bit, but this creep turned out to actually be grateful. She wanted to knock that grin off her own face and try to explain the many challenges of being a woman, but some reason, she also didn’t want to burst his bubble so readily...

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