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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Put to Use

Marjorie loved her husband Cliff very much, but she was always a little concerned by the number of guns he kept in the house. He would always say they might need them, but she never saw a need. Then one day, body swapping aliens invaded the planet. Some people swapped with aliens while other people just swapped with each other. While Marjorie was now in an alien’s body, Cliff was in the body of their 20-something year old neighbor, Natalie. Cliff immediately went to his stash of weapons. He wanted to take the fight to the aliens, but Marjorie asked him what he was planning to do. The aliens were mostly in ships high up in the atmosphere. The ones on the planet had stolen bodies and were completely indiscernible from their neighbors and loved ones. Cliff was just feeling glad he was ready -- though he might need to train a bit to adjust for how different this body felt.

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