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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Genius (Part 4)

View Part 1 of Genius.
View Part 2 of Genius.
View Part 3 of Genius.

The next day, Martin and his mom had a lot to discuss. Thanks to Martin’s invention, they would have to live in each other’s bodies for the next two years. His mom would have it pretty easy. Martin had mostly stayed at home tinkering on various inventions, so she could probably either stay at home doing nothing or get any number of temporary jobs. She may have had his body, but she didn’t have his social anxiety. Whatever she chose to do would be pretty easy for her.

Martin, on the other hand, would have it a lot harder. He’d have to handle his mom’s job. While he was certainly smart enough that the actual work would be no problem, the social interaction aspect of it would be more of a challenge. And while he’d be able to wear whatever around the house, like he currently was, getting dressed in women’s work clothes and putting on makeup were things he was not looking forward to. Still, he told himself how well he did last night going from club-to-club looking for his mom. He did manage to talk to people, and he did in a dress and heels! He COULD do it, even if he didn’t want to. Every day was going to be a challenge, but with one down, ther were only 729 to go until they could swap back to normal.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Forever Hold Your Peace

“I told you nothing would ever stop me from marrying you today, and I meant it,” James said looking at the woman he was about to wed, “And that includes the Great Shift and finding myself in this woman’s body over a hundred miles away. Sorry I was just a little late to the ceremony.”

“I knew you’d make it. It gave me time to alter my dress so I could fit into it now that I’m in your body.” Heather replied.

“You made my body look absolutely ridiculous, but you’ll always be beautiful to me. And in that dress, you’re the most beautiful you’ve ever been, and you’ll be more beautiful each an every day. And I am still the luckiest to have you by my side.”

“You’re just saying that because you’re a narcissist.”

“I’m saying that because I love you.”

There was a pause before the officiant spoke up. “Were those your vows? Very well. If anyone has any objections, speak now, or forever hold your peace.” There was another pause. “You may now kiss the bride.”

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Opened the Camera App

Using the phone in his hand, Avery opened the camera app and pointed in his own direction. It was exactly what he thought: he was now in the body of a woman. He tried to look on the bright side of the body swap. He was at least an attractive woman and reasonably fit.

Questions filled his head. Was that flash of light responsible for all of this? He wasn’t far from where he had been, should he go look for his own body?

But while he asked himself these things, he hadn’t put the phone down. He was still looking at himself. Was he still in shock...or was he actually happy with this new body!?

Monday, July 22, 2024

Amusement for the Masses

I always used to love the Fictionmania story, Amusement for the Masses, and this caption is loosely inspired by it.

While Chuck and Jack were freaking out about swapping bodies with some women at the amusement park, Alan didn’t seem to care. He saw there was no line at the go-karts and went right in for a ride.

“There’s no point about freaking out about all this,” He explained to his friends, “So we’re now in the bodies of three chicks? So what? Are you really going to let it ruin your day? Besides, maybe we’ll learn something from the experience.”

“I wanted to pick up chicks, not be one!” Jack protested.

“What better way to learn? I’m sure a bunch of guys will hit on you before the day is out, then you’ll know what feels right and what feels creepy.”

“I don’t want to be hit on all day! And what good will any of that do if I’m stuck like this!?”

Alan shrugged before he got in the go-kart, “Sulk all you want, I guess. I don’t think complaining is going to do us any good. So we’re women now? Really, who cares? It doesn’t change anything!”

Sunday, July 21, 2024


“Gawd, Amber!” Tracy exclaimed, “I never thought I’d say this, but could you lay off the texting? We’ve got a party to prepare for!”

“I bet she’s texting with a boy,” Jill added.

“Oh, gawd. Is it Chad? Spill.” Tracy squealed.

“No, it’s not Chad,” Jeff replied from inside Amber’s body. After the body swap, he had been texting with Amber pretty much non-stop. This was mostly because both Jeff and Amber were trying to keep their body swap secret, and so people like Amber’s sorority sisters, Tracy and Jill, had no clue what was actually going on. Jeff added, “It’s just someone from one of my classes. We have a pretty intense group assignment.” He checked the phone again for more advice from Amber about what to say and added, “But the party is my priority, obvs.”

“Total obvs.” Jill stated, “And priority number two is finding a guy to ravage that lonely snatch of yours.”

“Say what now?” Jeff replied, “No, you really don’t have to...”

“I’ll be our pleasure. You’ve been crying about being a virgin for months. This is the perfect opportunity, Gurl!”