Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Charlie could only laugh at his predicament, because if he didn't laugh, he'd surely be crying. When the Great Shift hit and he suddenly found himself in a woman's body, he could just barely stand in the high heel boots he was wearing. After managing to find a place to catch himself and sit down, he screamed out asking for any other shoes he could wear. He got a few offers, but he laughed at the selection available, as none seemed to be much better than what he was wearing.

The light (Part 4)

Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 1.

Oliver quickly ducked backstage again, not wanting to experience whatever chaos would ensue out front. He wanted to get out of the wild fashions they had dressed him up in, but he didn't know where this model's clothes were. Despite the fact that everyone had swapped bodies backstage, he was surprised by how friendly and efficeint they all were. Someone handed him a pile of clothes and pointed him to a private area to change. The clothes were still a little more crazy and certainly more fashionable than what he was used to, but it was wearable.

My house

John had been enjoying an evening at home alone when the world went white for a moment. All of a sudden, a woman jumped on top of him, "Who are you? What are you doing in my house?"

John reached around and found a knife, "Who am I? Who are you? This is MY house! Get out!"

In the heat of the argument, neither John nor Evan realized that neither were in their own house, or even their own bodies! The Great Shift had caused them to swap bodies with two women wholived together. Luckily, after exchanging words, the two figured out their situation before either hurt the other.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Line of credit

Even though Julio had worked for a janitor at YOBSCorp for twenty years, he was never sure what they did. It's not that he even cared; he was just glad to get a paycheck each week. It covered his bills, and he was thankful. However, one day an accident at work caused him to swap bodies with one of the companies executives, Ellen Barker. It appeared that body swaps WERE the company's business, and Julio and Ellen ended up caught in the middle of new experiment meant to improve on swapping technology. Julio was very uncomfortable inside Ellen's body for the first few days. That was, until he discovered he not only had Ellen's body, but also her line of credit. The latest technology, the hottest cars, and so much more, Julio was starting to enjoy his new body, at least in terms of its purchasing power...he could really do without the dresses and heels.

Different (Part 1)

After being hit by a blast of white light, Carl was knocked him down. As he lifted himself off the ground, he felt different. He tried to get to his feet but noticed his shoes were strange. They weren't his own--in fact, this entire body wasn't his! This would explain why he felt so off-balance and weird! This wasn't his body--it was a woman's!

Spring break (Part 1)

Karen was a little pissed off that her parents had insisted she come home from college for spring break this year. She'd have to spend a week at home with her overprotective mom, her eccentic dad, and annoying brother, Aaron. He was only a year younger than her, but he was just overly curious and got into everything. He had talked her into coming down to the basement as he fiddled with one of their father's wacky inventions. Neither could have suspected that that the machine would swap thier brains! Aaron couldn't figure out a way to activate the machine again before their parents returned home. Their mom could instantly see that something was wrong, and their dad figured it was because of his invention. The parents deviced an interesting punishment. They would spend the rest of the break in each other's bodies, plus chores. Karen had to mow the lawn, and Aaron was made to clean the garage.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Long weekend (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.

Bill couldn't believe it! He had spent the entire long weekend in his daughter's body, but they had yet to swap back. Now it was Monday, and he was going to have to go to school in her body! Both were getting ready to tell someone about the swap, because they were starting to think that it wouldn't just reverse on its own like they had hoped.


Zach couldn't believe they were going to tear down the arcade where he had gone on his first date ever. He had taken his first girlfriend Michelle there back in the 80s when they were both just teenagers. They played the games; they even both had their first kiss. A fortune teller at a nearby sideshow told them that the two were destined to be close forever. Michelle told Zach that she was sure of it, but then broke up with him the next day. Zach could never figure out why, despite pressuring her to tell him why. As he whisked his fingers over the dusty machines, one jolted him, and before long the arcade sprang back to life. It was just like the 80s again! But as Zach looked down it didn't just seem like the 80s, it WAS the 80s, and he somehow had Michelle's body! It was weird seeing his own body take his hand and bring him to the fortune teller, which once again told them they were destined to be close forever. Zach looked into his own eyes, now truly knowing what that statement meant, but he also knew what would happen next. It'd just be too weird to date himself!

Bright spot

After an accident in his first period chemistry class, Sebastian was feeling pretty depressed. It had caused him to swap bodies with Kristen Jennings. He had waited the feeling of walking around the halls in her body, having her boyfriend tounge kiss him after second period, but then fourth period happened. Kristen had gym, and Sebastian was not looking foward to it. The thought of running or jumping with breasts on his chest was not something he was looking forward to. But as he took off Kristen's jacket and entered the locker room, he could see a bright side to this whole bodyswapping thing. He got to see women in there at various stages of undress. It was the one bright spot so far in this otherwise bleak bodyswapping experience.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Trying to flaunt it!

Chad looked at the rack of shoes and was disappointed. This had been the third shoe store that he had been in since the Great Shift swapped him into his older sister's body, and all the women's shoes were boring! His sister had always been a bit of a tomboy, so she owned no high heels. It appeared store after store had been sold out of sexy women's shoes as well! He couldn't have been more excited about the possibilities. Here he was stuck in the body of a woman, and he couldn't find high heels, sexy boots, or anything to flaunt his new femininity!

Brainwaves (Part 6)

For Part One, please click here.
For Part Two, please click here.
For Part Three, please click here.
For Part Four, please click here.
For Part Five, please click here.

Benny had to admit that his wedding day was the best day of his life; not just since he had swapped into Darcie's body but forever! He couldn't believe how happy he was, but it soon got better. Sitting he the back row, he saw a familiar face--his own. Darcie must've faked her own death or something. Maybe to start anew for herself or maybe to trick him. Benny thought about approaching her to say something, but he just put his hands on his hips and smiled. Somehow he knew that Darcie was now happy too.


"I'll do it, Misty," warned Vince while leaning out the balcony, "Give me back my body or I'll jump. I know you don't want to see your pretty face splattered on the sidewalk even if it isn't yours anymore."

"You don't have the guts," responded Misty from Vince's body. "That's why I stole your body, because we were the weakest, lamest man that I have ever met. You should've been born a woman, and with my body now you are. I'm the man now; strong mentally and physically. And you're the woman, weak in every way."

"I'm not as weak as you think I am."

"Then let's see you jump."

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Quiet Evening (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.

After a painful walk back to his apartment in the high heels that he now wore, Larry completely forgot that he had no key on him to get back inside. He wondered where his own body, which had been inside at the time of the Great Shift, had gone, or why whoever was now in his body had even bothred to lock the door. He could think of nothing else to do, but sit out front and wait for his own body to get back.

So many bodyswaps

Frank screamed. Months ago he took a ride on a taxi cab that swapped his body. He stole another body to his liking using the cab's powers. Yet it was a short-lived victory as he was hit by a strange bodyswapping ray. He was able to reverse this by using the last charge of a MAU machine (leaving a friend trapped in another body) to finally be himself again. However, the Great Shift swapped him once more. So many bodyswaps! All Frank could do was scream...

What had she ever done to him?

Alice hated looking up to see her old face grinning back at her. Ever since she swapped bodies with her little brother, he had been rubbing her face in the fact that he now had her body. When they first swapped, it was just the taunting, but now she was convinced he was dead set on downright humiliating her. I mean, just look at how he had dressed her body! At least it wasn't slutty or anything, but it was downright weird! A shiny jacket and pants, and what about that weird flair all over? Alice was convinced her brother must hate her! What had she ever done to him?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pixie dust (Part 4)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.

Travis was really starting to freak out as he drove back to his apartment. His life seemed to have been turned upsidedown by an idle wish. When he got to where he lived, even the building looked different. It seemed smaller. He still had the same apartment number; he had a key that worked, but it now seemed that it was a small one bedroom apartment. It was a mess. There were clothes tossed about everywhere. As much as he old life had been stressing him out, he didn't much enjoy this new life either!


Mark was trying out some experimental virutal reality goggles and was amazed by how well they worked. He actually felt like he was walking around in a woman's body! What he didn't know was that the goggles didn't create a virtual reality, but actually manipulated reality itself. He was in for a big surprise when he takes them off!


One minute Conor was relaxing on the beach, and the next minute he was in the freezing cold, zooming down a mountain on skis. He was lucky enough to be able to gain control and bring himself to a safe stop. As if somehow being transported miles away to the freezing cold wasn't enough, as Conor caught his breath, he found out the temperature wasn't the worst of things. He was in a woman's body now! He was now a woman! Hoping to find some answers, he made his way to the ski lodge, only to find out that he was one of many to be swapped into a new body, though most of the other people had swapped with someone else on the mountain.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chain of command

Luitenant Mitch Hendrickson took little notice of his new body after the Great Shift, but he did notice that he was off base! He ran as fast as his new feet (now wearing platform boots) would carry him. He could tell there was chaos on the streets, and he presumed that he wasn't the only one who had swapped bodies. This strengthened his resolve to return to base, where he undoubtably will have orders waiting for him to help quiet this chaos. He saluted as he entered the nearly empty barracks, but the only troops he found seemed confused and unable to provide any direction. Mitch was going to have to figure this out without any chain of command to help.

Where's my mommy?

Nancy was one of the few people who hadn't been swapped as a result of the Great Shift; the whole world seemed surreal and confused for no reason to her. She came across a woman sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"Where's my mommy?" The woman asked her.

"Excuse me?" Nancy asked in response.

"My name is Eddie, and I'm looking for my Mommy! I was holding her hand just a moment ago, and now she's gone! And the world looks so tiny and my arms and legs feel so long and stuff! I'm scared!"

Nancy couldn't believe how weird it was for a grown woman to be talking like this!

Bodyswapping orb (Part 10)

For Part 1, click here
For Part 2, click here
For Part 3, click here
For Part 4, click here
For Part 5, click here
For Part 6, click here
For Part 7, click here
For Part 8, click here
For Part 9, click here.

Kyle and Mike had used the bodyswapping orb more times than either of them could count now. It never seemed to get old for Mike, but Kyle just couldn't stand to swap anymore. However, it seemed even if Mike ventured out to the orb alone, Kyle would swap as well. Fed up with this, Kyle devised a plan. He let a third friend of theirs in on the adventures. It took some convincing, but Pat eventually believed that the sexy blonde was his good friend Kyle. From there it wasn't hard for him to accept the possibility of a bodyswapping orb. Pat took the walk through the woods with Kyle and Mike to the orb. Kyle hoped that Pat's presense with them would disrupt the connection that would cause him to swap whenever Mike used the orb. He considered the possibility that Pat would replace him, that he'd be forcing his friend to suffer an eternity of swapping, but if it could get him out of it, it was worth betraying a friend.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hypocritical bitches

"And I thoght I was a bitch!" Tom couldn't help but laugh to himself as he read the newspaper now in the body of a sexy woman who was PMSing for the first time. "Well, I may be a woman now...and quite the bitch at that, but at least I'm not a hypocrite like Google! They complain about censorship from the Chinese government based on content, but yet they regularly take down sites on Blogger! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Google are such hypocritical bitches!"

Private jet (Part 3)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.

John realized that he had been on this jet now for an hour, and it was still just sitting on the runway. Could the pilot or someone else know about the bodyswap? Did they call some sort of authorities to arrest him for grand theft body? Was that even a crime? It's not like John did this on purpose! It just happened! He was about to have a panic attack over these questions when he felt the jet finally start to move...

Adapt (Part 2)

Clcik here for Part 1.

Tyler arrived at the meet-up spot fairly quickly. Then he waited...and waited. The woman now in his body sure was taking her sweet time...or was it it HIS sweet time? For that matter should Tyler think of himself as HERSELF now? This was a little too much to wrap his head around right now. If there wasn't a ton of reasons to wait for his own body, he'd be out of there...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A good day (Part 3)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.

After struggling for twenty minutes, Adam finally managed to loosen his heel from the sidewalk while dropping his sunglasses at the same time. However, it wasn't long before he found his feet totally killing him. These shoes were really starting to pinch his feet! A little bit further and he had no choice but to sit down and take a break from his trek. He had to admit that being a woman wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. Still, he wasn't going to let the little things get to him...