Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Ryan and Elana had found a strange package on their doorstep one day. Inside was a strange device and a note, explaining that the machine inside could switch the brains of two people. The couple were curious to experiment and soon found themselves in each other’s bodies. They agreed to spend the day as each other and attend a friend’s BBQ. What they hadn’t noticed was their toddler son had snagged the device on the way out the door, thinking it was a toy. It wasn’t until a few hours later when they saw the boy playing with the device in their friend’s backyard. Elana gently tried to coax it from him before he accidentally used it. However, Ryan began freaking out when he noticed his son smashing the device against a rock. Unless they could find a different way to switch back, the married pair would be stuck in each other’s bodies.

The curse of the werewoman (Part 1)

Since sleeping with that woman six months ago, Kevin had regretted it every night since. She had been a werewoman, a person who was a man by day but transformed into a woman under the moonlight. The curse was passed on through sexual intercourse. That meant that in the moonlight, Kevin too would be transformed into a hyper-sexual female version of himself. He spend the night looking for his prey--men. Men to sleep with, men to pass the curse onto. Many have tried to break the curse; others have killed themselves just to prevent the curse from being passed on. Kevin wasn’t so brave. He just accepted the inevitable--that he would become a woman at night, a woman who thirsted for sex, a woman who desired to pass on her curse.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Michelle still felt awkward about preparing her former body for the runway show. The Great Shift had been devastating to her. She had been a model, and while her new body was still very attractive, female, and skinny, it was also shorter and older. She was also thankful to still have a job, though now she was styling fashion shows instead of walking in them. This one proved to be very awkward, particularly because her old body would be in it. The person now inside her body was a man, a construction worker. And he spoke, well, like a construction worker, making rude comments about both Michelle’s former body as well as her current one. It was hard for her to hear such language coming from her former mouth.

Bachelorette Party (Part 4)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Shortly after his drunken comments, Ryan blacked out. He had hoped the next feeling he would have would be waking up in his own body, but when he woke up the next morning, he was still Megan! Days turned to months, and he soon lost all hope of getting his old body back. Ryan had thought Megan would flip out in his body, but she picked up Ryan’s life without skipping a beat. She never spoke a word about who she really was--not even to Ryan. She went on to marry Amber and live a happy life. Of course, that meant Ryan (in Megan’s body) had to live Megan’s high-fashion, late-night party life. He hated to admit it, but he actually enjoyed it. He liked being a bad influence on his female friends, he loved flirting, and while he lived a quiet lifestyle as a guy, something about Megan’s body just loved being the center of attention. He never, ever expected to be out on the town with a dye job wearing 4 inch heels at three o’clock on a Wednesday morning, but there he was...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Minimum wage (Part 3)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
TG Captions body swap
By the end of the day, Jon was praying. He had never been a religious man, but he still wasn’t sure why this body swap had happened. So it was a long shot, but he figured it was worth a try. He was also just wishing and hoping for the hands on the clock to hit five. He had no idea how hard people on the bottom end of the payroll worked! This was a tough job--even despite being boring--he was on his feet all day and he was really tired! Hopefully, he would not be doing it much longer; hopefully, he’d find a way back to his own body.


When Tyler first found the MAU machine, he was skeptical. Considering how often his car broke down, he’d hate to think of something malfunctioning with a device that was able to transform his entire body. However, after a few tries, he became more trusting. After a few weeks, he was using it several times a day. Today he used it to transform himself into a copy of a friend’s girlfriend to play a little prank on his buddy. It was as he was changing himself back that machine finally stopped working; the truly awful part was that it was literally halfway into the transformation when it stopped. His left side was still himself, but his right side was an exact copy of his friend’s girlfriend. One large breast still hung from his right side torso. His crotch was REALLY weird. He had one ball and his penis was about half it’s normal side pushed slightly to one side. Feminine parts were slightly to the other, also seeming about half as big as it should be. He was truly a freak!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Gretchen fit the stereotype of a spoiled teenager. She was dating a member of the football team, she was on the cheerleading squad, and she was highly egotistical. As a senior in her last semester, she had even given up on going to many of her classes. In the stairwell one day, she found a strange coin labeled “God for one wish.” Her egoism got the best of her, thinking of how awesome she was, she wished that everyone in school was like her. The coin disappeared in her hands! As she continued to climb the stairs, she soon found she wasn’t alone. She was taken aback when she noticed that all of them looked exactly like her! What had that wish done? She ran through the halls. Everyone’s body had been transformed into a copy of hers, all of the girls, all of the boys, and even all of the teachers! They all had her spoiled and egotistical attitude. She ran into her science class to see her teacher, Mr. Reilly (who of course had a copy of her body as well) painting his nails instead of actually teaching anything. All of her classmates were just giggling, gossiping, and bragging--and all of them had her body. She was really freaking out, but the wishing coin had disappeared. What could she possibly do to fix all this?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Immigrant (Part 9)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Click here for Part 5.
Click here for Part 6.
Click here for Part 7.
Click here for Part 8.

After thinking about his new life just a little bit longer, Miguel started to wonder why he had bothered to change. He had a hot new body now, and he was all alone. Now was his time to get to know his new curves intimately! He began to take off the clothes that he had put on just a little bit before. He had seen it when he changed before, but now he would really get to know it!

Friday, October 26, 2012

The rest of our lives

tg captions
“Please, Courtney, please,” Mitch begged as he wrapped his arms around Courtney’s head, “I’ve learned my lesson. I know how poorly I treated you while we were dating, but please give me my body back now. I know you used your magic to do this, and I know you can reverse it. I don’t want to be stuck in your body for a single day more. I just want to be me again. Please switch us back.”

Courtney paused, but then spoke out timidly, “I’m sorry. It was me. I did do it; I am responsible. However, there’s no way to reverse this. We’re going to be like this for the rest of our lives.”


James could only describe the situation as completely surreal. He had been working backstage on a production when an angel floated down through the ceiling and landed next to him. He backed up slowly, somewhat afraid. Knocking over some equipment, an electrical wire fell on both him and the angel. Sparks flew between the two bodies. The next thing he knew, he was in the angel’s body! He found that in her body, he could fly! Everything about this seemed impossible. Angels, bodyswapping, and flying? None of it could possibly be real, could it?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pull the trigger

“I don’t want to have to pull this trigger,” Louie stated, “But you’ve left me no other choice. If you don’t give me back my body, I will shoot you.”

“No, you won’t. You won’t shoot your own body.” Carla responded, “I know you far too well. You’re a peaceful man, but more so you are a hopeful man. You want the hope of being able to get your body back. As long as I’m alive and in your body, that hope exists. If I die, that hope is gone, and you wouldn’t be able to stand that.”

“I WAS peaceful. I WAS hopeful. That was before I spent five months in a woman’s body; in YOUR body.”

Anniversary (Part 1)

Chris had taken his wife to a fancy restaurant for their anniversary. There was valet parking, expensive plates, and everything. It was the perfect evening. Or it would have been if the Great Shift didn’t happen. Just as they were sitting down, he found himself standing on a street corner a few blocks away. If he wasn’t mistaken, he was now in the body of a prostitute. He could deal with what that meant for him later, first he had to find his wife, Lucy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Feminine moment

TG Caption body swap
Arthur had been waiting for this day ever since the Great Shift. It would be the first day the stores reopened. Once he found himself in the body of a woman, he couldn’t find a single person with the same shoe size, which meant he had been stuck wearing the heels he had been swapped into. But not for much longer! He just needed to wait for those doors to open, and he’d head straight to the shoe store to buy a wide variety of new comfortable pairs. He paused for a moment; he just realized he had a very feminine moment: getting excited about shoe shopping!

The proposal

Nancy had been hoping her boyfriend Clyde would pop the question and ask her to marry him. Her hopes were dashed when the Great Shift plopped her into the body of a man. She couldn’t imagine that he’d ever want to marry her now! She hadn’t heard a single word from him since the Shift, and she had almost given up hope that they’d even still have a relationship. She was crying her eyes out at home when the doorbell rang. She answered it and saw an unknown woman standing there. The next thing she knew the woman got down on one knee and puled out a ring! It was Clyde! He had wanted to propose for weeks, but his plan got put on hold when the Shift placed him in a woman’s body. He didn’t expect Nancy to want to marry him like this, but when a friend mentioned she was now in a man’s body, he knew he had to try!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gender doesn't matter

TG Great Shift Captions
Lewis and Enrico had been in love for years. When New York legalized gay marriage, the two men were among the first to line up to tie the knot. When the Great Shift struck a few years later, both men found themselves in the bodies of women. The first concern of each of them was to find the other to make sure they were okay. The few days of being out of contact were like torture to the two men. When they finally reconnected, both began crying. They were just so happy to see each other. After embracing and sharing a quick kiss, the two held hands and walked down the street, happy to be reunited and knowing that their new gender changed nothing. They’d said it for years; gender simply didn’t matter when you love someone.

Alien adventure (Part 28)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Click here for Part 5.
Click here for Part 6.
Click here for Part 7.
Click here for Part 8.
Click here for Part 9.
Click here for Part 10.
Click here for Part 11.
Click here for Part 12.
Click here for Part 13.
Click here for Part 14.
Click here for Part 15.
Click here for Part 16.
Click here for Part 17.
Click here for Part 18.
Click here for Part 19.
Click here for Part 20.
Click here for Part 21.
Click here for Part 22.
Click here for Part 23.
Click here for Part 24.
Click here for Part 25.
Click here for Part 26.
Click here for Part 27.
Jasmine eventually made her way back to the house she had lived in when she was Jason (though she still couldn’t remember that she used to be called that). The house was one of the first things on Earth that seemed familiar. She remember where she hid the spare key and walked inside. She sat down on her couch and relaxed. It was funny how she could remember every little bit from top to bottom. She remembered how she had organized her clothes (though most would do her new body little good now), how the furniture was arranged, and even what food she had left in her fridge. She had trouble remembering some devices. She couldn’t think of how to operate the screen she was staring at or even what it was called.

Monday, October 22, 2012


The New Great Shift TG Captions body swap
Thom had feared this day ever since the Great Shift. He had tried his best to avoid it. Once he had escaped his old life, he had never wanted to go back or even be reminded of it. He had been pretty lucky with the Shift, he ended up in a beautiful young woman’s body. It had given him confidence, he got a better paying job and was now engaged to a nice man. His old body had first contacted him by email. Thom didn’t respond at first, but then he got another and another and then eventually a phone call. It took a few months of pestering before Thom finally agreed to briefly meet with the person now in his former body. He looked towards the ground when he first saw the person approaching the coffee shop where they had agreed to meet. But he slowly gazed his eyes back. Thom had to give whoever it was some credit. For starters, his body had lost at least thirty pounds, enough to make it look kind of handsome. His unkempt beard had been shaven off. Whoever it was inside his old body didn’t look upset either; they almost seemed happy. In a way, Thom was revealed. He had been nervous because he felt guilty. He had gotten such a great body because of the Shift that he just felt bad for whoever got his. But it seemed it wasn’t really that bad.

Shoes (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.
Brent had tried on almost a dozen pairs so far. He was truly getting to understand what it was like for Valerie when she had done this. He just didn’t like anything; when he finally did find something he thought would work, they pinched his feet awkwardly, and he decided to keep trying other pairs. Valerie, on the other hand, was getting to understand how Brent felt when she used to make her sit around when she did this. She was so bored! She thought it would be fun, but it just wasn’t!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Notice (Part 6)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Click here for Part 5.

The actions of the men around him continued to confuse Bert. That is, until he reached down to grab his wallet from the car. Suddenly, it all clicked, and he noticed his body. He tried not to freak out when he realized he had the body of a woman. This must’ve been what they had done to him at the research center. But why had it taken him so long to notice? It seemed so obvious to him now!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Freshman 15 (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.
It wasn’t long before Peter realized this woman’s body that he was now in was much more fit than his own. But he was curious exactly how fit. He went on the porch and did a handstand. He was surprised at how easy it was! In fact, he was able to keep himself that way for a few minutes! He found himself able to stretch his legs in all kinds of interesting ways. He wondered if this woman was a gymnast or something!

Friday, October 19, 2012

In my face

TG bodyswap sibling body swap caption
“I don’t care how much you shove that camera in my face; I’m not going to be taking off my clothes and putting on some sort of show just because I’m now in a woman’s body.” Evan lectured his friend Jim after both of them had switched bodies with their sisters. Evan continued, “If you want to see a woman naked, why don’t you take off your own clothes?”

“Because that’s MY sister!” Jim protested, “That’s just weird.”

Evan rolled his eyes, “Whatever.”

Birthday (Part 14)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Click here for Part 5.
Click here for Part 6.
Click here for Part 7.
Click here for Part 8.
Click here for Part 9.
Click here for Part 10.
Click here for Part 11.
Click here for Part 12.
Click here for Part 13.
Matt went to the shore to where the woman’s friend was waiting. He grabbed a beer from their cooler and started to chug; then he took a second one and began to drink that. He wanted to drown this whole thing in booze. He knew it wasn’t possible, but he was hoping to just forget for a bit--at least for a while. Then he started to feel a familiar tingle. Was he going to swap again or was it just the feeling of being intoxicated? He couldn’t quite tell right now...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Late night

TG Great Shift bodyswap
Aaron was vacationing through Asia when the Great Shift happened. It was late at night, and he was taking a train back to his hotel after a night of drinking. When the Shift first happened, he thought he was hallucinating from all the alcohol. It just didn’t seem real that he now had smooth legs, for instance -- not to mention now having female body parts! It was the fact that he now felt completely sober that made him figure out this was real; he had swapped bodies with another person, a woman. The few people on the train were also affected, but he suspected that the real nightmare would begin when everyone woke up in the morning.


The advertisements promised an end to death as we know it.
A new company had developed technology to place the brains of humans into cyborgs; it promised near immortality except for any sudden accidents or brain diseases. Humanoid robots had been around for a while now, but so far their actions were programmed--they were designed as maids to help out around the house or as sexbots. The idea of putting a real human brain inside of a cyborg was completely new. The demand was outrageous, but the supply of cyborgs designed to accommodate a brain was limited. The wealthiest citizens quickly bought out the inventory. Frank was on death’s door; he couldn’t wait for a restock. But the elderly man was also resourceful. Seeing a sexbot in the store, he asked how similar the wiring was to the newer models. The technician in the store had to admit that there was no real reason it couldn’t be done, and soon enough Frank plunked down his cash and was ready for the transplant. The transfer took only a few hours, but for Frank it seemed like a mere instant. One minute he was in his old, frail body and the next he was a blonde bombshell. Despite being made of synthetic materials, the body felt very human. Frank was thankful to be alive. However, he soon discovered a slight problem with using a sexbot for the transfer. There was residual programming left in the cyborg, and he just couldn’t stop thinking about sex and pleasuring other people!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Once bitten (Part 1)

Bruce had gone to the rainforest to do some research. Despite being very careful, he felt a weird sting on the back of his neck. He soon passed out and woke up on a table in a nearby village. But checked himself to see if he was already, and was shocked to find that he now had a woman’s body. The village’s doctor arrived and told Bruce that his spontaneous gender change was a result of the bug bite. Several men in the village had been bitten by it, but no one had ever been able to catch it. Bruce had heard of weird plants and animals in the rainforest with many strange effects, but never anything like this! However, the evidence was clearly in front of him.


It was disheartening. A few short weeks ago, Justin had been one of the top golfers on the planet, but now thanks to the Great Shift, he was awful! His new body was so much weaker; he shots never seemed to go where he wanted them too anymore. His only hope was to keep working at it; to get his new body back to where his old one had been. Though with his horrible scores, he wondered if that would ever be possible. Also, considering no woman had ever qualified for the PGA so far (and he was now a woman), he questioned if training even mattered.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Adam looked at the apple in his hand. It had been the second one he had received in less than a week. The first one had turned him into a woman. If he bit into this one, it would make the change permanent, but it would also mean he would never be able to have any contact with anyone from his former life ever again. No family, no friends, no loved ones. If he didn’t take a bite by the end of the day, he’d go back to his old life, his old go-nowhere life. He liked being a woman. He had enjoyed this week. He polished the apple and opened his mouth...

Body swap crimes division

Zach had worked hard on the force for ten years, and he was happy to get his latest promotion to the body swap crimes division. When an inventor developed body swapping technology a few years back, stealing someone else’s body became popular very quickly. Most major cities had to implement similar divisions to combat the new breed of criminals. It was a difficult job with a high burden of proof on the police’s part. But some days it was easy. Zach’s latest arrest, for instance. He couldn’t imagine how the woman had been dumb enough to swap bodies with a cop like him in broad daylight. He simply grabbed the handcuffs from his former body and placed her under arrest. The only pain for Zach from the whole thing was the judicial process. He’d be stuck in the woman’s body at least until they scored a confession and perhaps all the way through trial. However, it didn’t appear that she’d be confessing anytime soon. Luckily, the swapping left a trace signature of the original owner, but of course that meant he’d have plenty of visits with the evidence team and specialists. It’d be a pain to be stuck as this woman for that time, but he was glad he’d be a part of getting one more non-consensual body swapping scumbag off the streets.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Paul had been living at home since graduating college. It was a quite depressing situation that lead to many days and nights of binge drinking. After finding the Medallion Zulu, those drinking sessions would often have very strange results. Today he called over his best friend, Harold. Paul then used one of his sister’s bras and turned himself into her double (she had moved out long ago). When Harold arrived, Paul would just sit in all sorts of suggestive ways and ultimately asked Harold to sleep together. But Harold was hesitant.

“Come on,” Paul drunkenly begged while spreading his legs wide, “You’ve always wanted to get with my sister.”

“My sister?” Harold asked a little confused.

Paul quickly confessed about the medallion and who he really was, but he maintained that the offer to sleep together was still on the table.

Harold rejected the advance, “You may look like your sister, but it’s still you in there, Paul. It would just seem...a little weird.”


Reggie was an obese blob of a man, weighing over 300 pounds, but he was also a genius. It was how he obtained his job as lead programmer at a hi-tech company developing bodyswap technology. The test was supposed to be between two volunteers, a malfunction caused everyone at the company to switch. Reggie ended up in the body of Jane, the company’s accountant. He immediately went to work searching for any coding errors which could’ve caused the malfunction.

A half hour into his work, Kevin and Rebecca entered Reggie’s office to ask how it was going. Kevin was in charge of hardware and Rebecca was the receptionist. Kevin was in Rebecca’s blonde bombshell of a body, and Rebeca was stuck in Reggie’s body. When Reggie sighed that he hadn’t found anything wrong with the code, they both accused him of causing the accident to get a better body.

Reggie was taken aback! He didn’t like being in Jane’s body at all! He was used to being huge. Being stuck in Jane’s body felt like he didn’t even exist! It felt like his body had wasted away to nothing, and then these two jerks came making accusations? He shot back at Kevin with a stern look that there was nothing wrong with the code, that it must be his hardware, and that he must’ve had a secret plan to become Rebecca.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Coma (Part 5)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Charlie couldn’t believe he had been called away from the lab for this! Though he never enjoyed Ji’s responsibilities, the times when he had to present a new product while wearing a strange and skimpy costume were the worst! He just had to force out a smile and deal with it! Normal modeling actually seemed like a pleasure compared to this! What no one ever told Charlie was that they intended to keep him busy with Ji’s responsibilities; the lab was merely a ruse to keep him involved.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Shoot (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.
For most people, coping the situation was not so bad. They just continued their job in their new body. Being stuck in a model’s body, Daniel wasn’t so lucky. Tons of  hands adjusted the dress or his makeup and so on. The director of the shoot and the stylist came over to ask Daniel if he would be able to handle it. He shrugged. So far it hadn’t been so bad; he just stood there and let everyone else do the work. They all crossed their fingers that it would continue to go so smoothly once they actually started shooting.

Friday, October 12, 2012


The sudden change to his body came as a complete shock to Gustav. Such changes would probably be shocking to anyone. He didn’t know what was happening to him, but it soon became clear -- he was becoming a woman. And he wasn’t just becoming female, but his clothes all turned bright pink and became much more feminine. He couldn’t stop running his hands all over new body. It was a mix of shock and curiosity that gave him the impulse to do so. Everything about his new body (and clothes) just felt so soft! He really couldn’t keep his hands off his new body!

Alien adventure (Part 27)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Click here for Part 5.
Click here for Part 6.
Click here for Part 7.
Click here for Part 8.
Click here for Part 9.
Click here for Part 10.
Click here for Part 11.
Click here for Part 12.
Click here for Part 13.
Click here for Part 14.
Click here for Part 15.
Click here for Part 16.
Click here for Part 17.
Click here for Part 18.
Click here for Part 19.
Click here for Part 20.
Click here for Part 21.
Click here for Part 22.
Click here for Part 23.
Click here for Part 24.
Click here for Part 25.
Click here for Part 26.
Jasmine asked if the aliens could beam her back to the ship. They were puzzled. They thought she would be happy back on her home planet. Home planet? Jasmine was shocked. She barely recognized anything until she made her way over a ridge and looked down to see a familiar highway with familiar cars. She nearly broke into tears. She was home! She was home, but it still seemed like a foreign world to her! She was a little more than distressed, and the aliens could tell by the quivering of her voice. They told her that if she needed anything, all she needed to do was ask. Jasmine simply requested that they stay close for now, until she decided what she wanted to do. The aliens agreed.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


While the Great Shift caused panic everywhere, crowded places were a particularly chaotic. Shortly after the shift, the subways came to a jarring halt, leaving passengers stuck and forced to deal with the tensions of body swapping. Julio was a recent immigrant who spoke only a little english; now he was in the body of a blonde model with blue lipstick and green tights. The model, Talia, was in the body of a shorter, rounder dark-haired woman named Candice. She could only glare at her former body with pure anger. Meanwhile, Candice found herself in the body of a man with scruffy facial hair and a shaved head named Saul; she caught her new reflection in the glass of the door and was pleased. Saul was now in the body of Talia’s friend Frieda, another model standing not far away. And through the subway cars, the swaps continued. The tension building as time passed.

The prude (Part 4)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Ryan continued to be excited as he explored Dr. Wong’s body. He figured as long as he was the one inside of it, he could do anything he wanted! He played a little with her breasts and couldn’t believe how sensitive they were! One thing that disappointed him was that he felt they were a little small. He thought about getting implants--well, he would if they weren’t able to find a way to swap back; if he was stuck inside her body forever. Then he realized he wanted to be stuck inside Dr. Wong’s body forever; he wondered if he could sabotage any attempts...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Run down (Part 1)

Sheila absolutely loved her job, and she always looked forward to a new assignment. She had taken the position when bodyswapping technology had first been invented two years ago. It was fairly straight forward and the salary was great. Clients would pay to switch bodies with her for a given period of time. She was currently meeting with a man named Rodney Lochery, who should would be swapping with very shortly. She never asked why the client wished to swap with her; it was none of her business. She certainly was curious. She didn’t swap with very many men. The ones who did were usually gay. Rodney seemed like an average dude. He didn’t seem very interested in what Sheila had to say about the swap. It was particularly odd considered they’d be swapped for a whole month -- such as the fact that while masturbation was allowed, sex was forbidden (bodies are carefully monitored). Rodney just sort of nodded. Sheila opened up her purse to show Rodney some tampons and explained how to use them; since he’d be in her body for a full month, using them would be a necessity. He just sort of shrugged. She was really having a hard time figuring this guy out. Why on Earth would he want to switch bodies with her? It’s not like it mattered; she got paid no matter what happened, and after her brief run down of rules and basic facts about her body, the swap would come in 5...4...3...2...1...

Get back (Part 1)

Kelly wasn’t really paying attention as she entered the taxi. It probably wouldn’t have made a difference even if she had been. The magic taxi really didn’t look any different than any other taxi, but the driver had his eyes on her from the moment he saw her. He had plans to take her body; after all, the taxi did have that power. He had been stuck in the body of the cabbie for far too long. Eugene had been fairly rich and successful before being swapped into this cab driver’s body. Gender wasn’t an issue for his choice; he just wanted someone that seemed rich. Kelly seemed to be the perfect target for swapping with--her clothes appeared to be expensive, and he could only guess she was rich. As the meter ticked away, he needed to take her just one more block, and her body would be his.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Amy had been best friends with Robyn since they were kids, and she had developed a crush on her best friend long ago. She had gotten extremely jealous when Robyn got a boyfriend, Max. In a way, she despised Max, but in reality, she wanted to be Max. Amy began researching magic on the internet, hoping to find a love spell to cast on Robyn. What she stumbled across was a body swap spell. It didn’t take her long to formulate a plan to switch bodies with Max. She cast it while Robyn and Max were hanging out. Max was shocked to find himself in Amy’s bleached blonde body, but it was Robyn who could instantly tell something wasn’t quite right with Max. He just wasn’t acting like himself -- of course, that was because Amy was now in Max’s body! Robyn couldn’t explain Max’s sudden turn in attitude and went to confide in her best friend. However, Robyn couldn’t help but notice Amy was acting off as well. Max was sure it would sound crazy, but he told Robyn who he really was, that he had somehow swapped bodies with Amy. Robyn knew it sounded unbelievable, but somehow she also knew it to be true. Somehow her boyfriend was now inside the body of her best friend. It didn’t matter whose body he had; she loved him. They kissed across the table and promised to love each other no matter what craziness came next.


Ever since he whistled at a woman passing by his construction site, Tony had been cursed. Each morning, he’d wake up in the body of some unknown woman; he’d feel compelled to wear some couture-style outfit, and he wouldn’t transform back into himself until he walked by a construction site. It felt humiliating. There were many times when he was tempted not to even bother transforming back, but he needed to get to work and make money. He couldn’t do it as a woman, and even if he did, showing up as one would likely simply result in the whistle to transform him back.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Horribly wrong

An experiment in the basement of the science building at the University had gone horribly wrong, resulting in an explosion. No one was hurt, but it had caused a strange body swap between two students: the nerdy Martin Klein and the popular Kelly Chow. Both were nervous at first, but the professors promised answers by tomorrow. When they arrived the next day, Kelly was disgusted by how Martin had dressed her body. He had made her look like a total geek. She nearly flipped out when the professors told her they wouldn’t be able to reverse the swap for at least a week. Martin was a bit more cool-headed. He took a deep breath and rubbed his temples. He couldn’t imagine the next week would be easy, but he was confident he could make it through.


When the Great Shift hit, Edward found himself in the body of a suburban housewife in southern California. He pretended that he wasn’t swapped; that he was always Nancy Smith. He puled it off pretty successfully, but he quickly regretted his decision. He thought staying at home every day with no responsibilities would be a breeze, but his husband expected a clean house and dinner made every day! It was a lot of work! And it was boring work too! It got worse. The Smiths were a newlywed couple, apparently trying very hard to have children. Before the Shift, the couple agreed to have sex every night, which would’ve been fine by Edward if Mr. Smith hadn’t been shifted into the body of a rather unattractive sixty year old man.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Familiar (Part 1)

For the entire cab ride, Marty had been trying to recognize his passenger. He had been struck by her beauty and had almost immediately decided he could use the magic taxi’s power to switch bodies with her. The only thing nagging him about doing so was the fact that she looked so darned familiar. By the time she got out, he still couldn’t place it. He reacted and initiated the swap. As the cab drove away, he realized how he recognized this woman. Hey boyfriend was quite famous. He had been on the news recently after reports got out about him abusing an ex. He shuddered; this would not be the type of a relationship he wanted to be in, but he had no idea how to break it off with that type of lunatic.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Phillip was jealous of his sister, Aria. He had worked hard to study, get good grades, and land a job with a less than stellar paycheck, but she had just walked right out of high school and into a high priced modeling contract. He had been yelling at her over the phone about how easy she had it when an electrical current shot between the lines. The next thing he knew, he was on the other side of the line and inside his sister’s body! She freaked out and told him that she had a gig lined up later that day. He laughed and said he’d go for her. He was sure it wouldn’t be hard at all. He arrived at the location and was handed an outfit. He wasn’t sure how he was ever going to squeeze into it! Plus, he couldn’t imagine feeling anything but exposed while wearing it! Maybe this whole modeling thing wasn’t quite as easy as he asumed it would be. Still, despite his jealous and distaste of the situation, he loved his sister and he wasn’t going to let her down!

Friday, October 5, 2012

I came; I chainsawed; I conquered

Xavier was in shock when he found the body swapping machine he had agreed to test actually worked, and he found himself in Marcia’s body. He couldn’t believe he’d be stuck in her body for three days! Even weirder was how much he enjoyed being in her body! After the second day, he decided he never wanted to go back to his own body. His only option was to destroy the machine. Soon he was outside with a chainsaw ready to wreck that body swapper apart and eliminate any hopes of ever switching back.

Be careful

“What do you suppose exactly IS inside? Should we open it again?” Aaron asked his buddy Seth.

“I’m not sure. Last time we tried to open it, that light shot out and transformed us into women. I can’t help but think something WORSE might happen to us if we try again.” Seth replied.

“I can’t say being transformed into a hot woman like this is bad! Whatever is in here had the power to do that! If we could harness that, there’s no telling what sort of possibilities it could open up!”

“Alright, but let’s be careful...”

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The President

The President knew it would be important to address the American public in the wake of what scientists were calling “The Great Shift.” However, the worldwide body swapping phenomenon had left the President in the body of a young socialite. He questioned if he would be taken seriously from the bubbly blonde’s body. He needed to shrug off such fears. He was still the confident, eloquent speaker he was before, no matter what his outer shell looked like now. This could be a learning lesson for all Americans to not judge by outward appearances. But he wouldn’t lecture the public about such things in this speech. This one was just for hope and reassurance.

POOF! (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.
As the smoke cleared, Victor was shocked. He was looking for a new trick, but that powder was magic...actual magic! It had transformed him into a woman! There could be countless other things like that in this store! He was excited and started to explore. As he did so, a clerk came out with a stern expression. He’d have to charge Victor for the spilled powder. It was all the cash he had on him! He cursed his luck! He needed to go home and get more, but by the time he returned, the store had mysteriously vanished. He was stuck in this body!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The mission (Part 1)

How many years had it been? How many generations had gone by? Commander Neil Talcon was one of the first volunteers to man a mission to colonize planets outside of our own solar system. It was going to be a long journey, so scientists had come up with a clever way to keep their trained crew alive with limited rations. Brains and bodies were kept in stasis for the duration of the trip, requiring little food and energy. However, the bodies would still age, requiring artificial insemination for breeding purposes for several generations until it was nearly time for landing, at which point the original crew’s brains would be transplanted into their   descendants’ bodies -- a direct descendant  would reduce the risk of rejection. The brains were delivered low electrical stimulus to keep them active. It was like a constant dream. Commander Talcon thought he was still dreaming as his new body opened it’s eyes in the stasis chamber. He soon recognized the ship and realized he wasn’t dreaming. But his body felt strange. The ship had mechanisms to prevent atrophy, but he wondered if they had malfunctioned; his body just didn’t feel right. Finally, the facts dawn on him. He hadn’t even thought that he might end up in a woman’s body. However, it was probably a 50/50 chance each time that his descendant would be a woman. It was a weird feeling, but he wasn’t about to let that compromise his mission!

Alien adventure (Part 26)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Click here for Part 5.
Click here for Part 6.
Click here for Part 7.
Click here for Part 8.
Click here for Part 9.
Click here for Part 10.
Click here for Part 11.
Click here for Part 12.
Click here for Part 13.
Click here for Part 14.
Click here for Part 15.
Click here for Part 16.
Click here for Part 17.
Click here for Part 18.
Click here for Part 19.
Click here for Part 20.
Click here for Part 21.
Click here for Part 22.
Click here for Part 23.
Click here for Part 24.
Click here for Part 25.
As Jasmine continued to fret, a noise came over her headset and then voices. The aliens from the ship had defeated the Xylians and reestablished contact with Jasmine. They were glad to hear she was okay, but they told her there would be no cure for her missing memories. She sighed, but told them she was ecstatic about their victory over the Xylians.