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Friday, March 5, 2010

Best summer job ever (Part 3)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.

Paul knew that his new body was sexy, but it wasn't until that he was in the water that he actually felt sexy. As he removed the sunglasses while in the pool, he started to develop a little bit of an attitude. It didn't hurt that the woman's original body was paying for Paul to just hang around and be sexy. She smiled at Paul's new arrogant attitude. It was so fitting to how she used to act not long ago when that body was hers. She was hoping that the universe would find a way to swap everyone back just as randomly as it swapped everyone to begin with, or that someone would find a way to reverse everything. As she knew that it was only a matter of time before Paul became TOO egotistical. After all, she knew the attitude developing within Paul well...

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