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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Clothing exchange

The Great Shift caused a massive amount of problems for people around the world. One of the obvious ones was that many people owned many clothes that would no longer fit them. A few transformed women to men got together with some transformed men to women to swap clothes. Though the former women were disappointed at the bland clothing choices now before them, some of the former men were just dumbfounded by women's clothes. John, who had previously been a college-aged man, grabbed a dress that he thought would fit his body from a pile that the ex-women offered. Bobby, formerly a 6-year-old boy, just grabbed some balloons from out front--he had no interest in stupid girl clothes, and hated how his mom made him dress in them every day because of his new body! Meanwhile, Rick, a former 40-year-old man, sifted through the clothes in the pile, but didn't see anything he could use. He had plenty of clothes for his new body, but it was all short skirts and dresses, and everything in this pile just seemed more of the same!

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