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Saturday, September 23, 2017


Justin and his sister Evelyn had never seen eye to eye. Even as adults, they would fight at any sort of family gathering. It was a few days before Thanksgiving, and the two were at it in the upstairs of their parents’ house. At the most heated moment, lightning struck the house, which had the odd, unexplained effect of swapping the bodies of the two siblings. They were both rightfully panicked, but they also had no way of swapping back. They agreed to pretend to be each other for now.

The next day, Justin offered to go get some lunch for everyone. Evelyn scowled, thinking it was just an excuse for him to make a big charge to her credit card. First, he drove to a coffee shop and was surprised when the guy behind the counter smiled at him and told him it was on the house. Then a cop pulled him over for speeding. The officer glanced down at Justin’s cleavage and let him off with only a warning. By the time he was at the place to pick up food, Justin was actually feeling pretty good about being swapped with his sister. He grabbed his chest with pride, thinking about what this body had already gotten him so far today. Maybe he could get a good discount here too. And maybe if he did find a way to swap back with his sister, maybe he wouldn’t even take it...

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