"I know your experiment is responsible for this! Switch me back now!" Ryan yelled from the body of Sgt. Maggie Wilson while pointing a gun to head scientist at the base where they all worked.
"I can't," he explained, "You only THINK you are Ryan! You ARE ACTUALLY Maggie! I just transplanted all of Ryan's thoughts and memories into you! I'm sorry that I lost you're original brain patterns! There's nothing I can do! I could effectively switch your brain patterns with his, he'd be back in here in two days doing the exact same thing you are now!"
Somehow Maggie knew he was right. She may think of her herself as Ryan. She could remember everything about being him, down to the smallest detail, but the fact that he could feel the sway of Maggie's hips as he walked the weight of her breasts...the muscle memory was just too familiar...
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