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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Minimum wage (Part 1)

body swap TG captions
Two weeks ago Jon had been the President of this company, but that was before he switched bodies with a low-level cashier. His old body acted like nothing was wrong. He suspected she was pretending; stealing his life would be quite profitable. For the time being, he had to pretend to be her until he could find a way to switch back and return to his old life. For the time being, he’d be working 40 hours a week at this crappy minimum wage job.


  1. Yeah but at least he's cute now! ;)

  2. LOL! Good story&ood start. Great use of pic. I can see why she's keeping her mouth shut! Loojing fowardto more

  3. Cute vs. rich is an interesting trade off! ;)
