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Saturday, August 24, 2024


“I need you to focus,” Jack explained to his friend, Rob.

“Focus on what?” Rob asked while being completely distracted by the feeling of his new body, “It’s pretty hard to think of anything other than the fact that I’m in Reina’s body right now.”

“Focus on literally anything other than that. Think about who you are. The things you like; what makes you Rob. I need to be able to isolate your thoughts from any interference from Reina’s biology. If I don’t, you’ll become her clone both physically AND mentally.”

“Okay, focus on me. I like baseball, and video games, and, uh...” Rob was having trouble thinking of more things all of a sudden, “And...uh, I like painting my nails, and shopping.”

“Dude, no! Stop! You’re gonna screw it up!”

“Screw what up? Why am I down here? What are you doing?”

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