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Friday, August 30, 2024


Bill had lost track of the days since he was put into isolation. Every day a scientist would enter and he would ask from his bubble, “How long have I been in here.”

Today the scientist replied, “Three months.”

And Bill would follow up with the same question, “Can you let me out yet?”

And once again, the scientist shook his head with a “No.” They were doing all they could to make sure Bill wasn’t contageous, but they still didn’t know. The Transformation Virus had been devistating a few months ago -- people’s body would undergo dramatic physical changes with few other symptoms, and then spend about a month as a completely different person before finally dieing.

Bill, of course, had survived his transformation -- the only patient who contracted to virus to have done so. He had transformed into a young woman who seemed to be 20 years younger than his own actual age. Immediate quarantine was the only solution to stop the spread. Despite their small size, the bubbles could keep people fed, exercised, and entertained. However, no one envisioned them to be used as long as Bill had. He was a medical mystery that they just couldn’t risk releasing.

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