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Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Ludwig Von Braun cackled with glee as he roamed the streets testing out his new invention. All he had to do was point and shoot to swap the brains of any two subjects. The first pair included a businessman and a homeless person. Another pair included a woman and her dog. And then an Asian couple holding hands.

Niether Jin nor Mei had seen the man. It also took a few minutes to recover after being zapped, so Von Braun was long gone by the time they noticed their new bodies. But what did remain was a long line of body swapped victims. With a few questions, Jin and Mei learned they weren’t the only ones. A few more and they found out about the zapping ray. Along with several others, they set off to find the crazy man swapping everyone’s bodies.

They finally found him sitting ona a curb and crying. It didn’t seem right. The woman now inside of Van Braun’s body explained she was a college student who had been swapped by Van Braun before he snatched the ray and ran off. Tracking this guy down and getting everyone back to normal was going to be tough.

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