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Sunday, October 30, 2016


Evan didn’t ask many questions when he found himself in a woman’s body. He was just fascinated by the smooth skin on his face and the jiggling feeling of his new breasts. In fact, he was so focused on simply being a woman that he didn’t initially notice which woman he was. When he finally looked in a mirror, he was in for another surprise. He wasn’t just any woman; he was his third period Biology teacher, Mis Khan. All the guys in the senior class would joke about wanting to sleep with her; she was literally the hottest teacher in school. She was simply gorgeous with large breasts, which he had to admit felt even larger from this angle. Though he quickly realized there were other advantages of being in this body. If he could find her gradebook, he could give himself a little boost. Of course, as he was thinking about this, he was still thinking this body swap was temporary and isolated. If he had bothered to turn on a radio or the TV, he’d find out that it was caused by something called “The Great Shift.” And come Monday morning, despite his body, he’d still be just another student...except now many of his former friends would no longer just be joking about trying to sleep with Miss Khan, they’d actually be trying to with Evan being the one inside!

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