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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Finale (Part 3)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.

Between the period of shock and the conversations, enough time had passed for the room to start to clear out. Jason realized he hadn’t much of a plan for how to live this woman’s life or how to get his body back. The ‘first timer’ comment had struck him. He could return and get swapped again. If he coordinated with his former body, he could buy a lot of tickets, and play the odds until he was himself again. But his own body had already filtered out of the room. Plus, it had been difficult for his friends to get tickets to this show; they were sold out for months. That means he’d be stuck in this body for at least that long.

The gentleman who spoke to him before did so again, “You probably want to go down to the lobby and get your purse from the coat check. You’ll be kicked out of here soon, but I’m sure the contents of that will help you with any adjustment.”

Jason thanked the man for the advice, but he still felt this all seemed so strange.

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