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Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Walter always tried to carefully time when he would go outside to grab the morning paper. If he got it just right, he’d be able to check out one of his neighbors just as she jogged by. He had almost missed her today. In fact, he only caught a quick glimpse of her back side just as she turned a corner. He smiled as he went back inside to grab a quick breakfast before getting in his car and heading straight into rush hour traffic. As the morning went on, he started to feel a nagging suspicion in the back of his mind. Had he forgotten to prepare for a early meeting or presentation? He couldn’t seem to remember any. It wasn’t until he was actually at his office when he realize what was wrong. He reached down to tie his laces and was shocked to see sneakers instead of his dress shoes. Even stranger, those sneakers had pink laces. He was even more shocked by the fact that he wasn’t wearing his suit. Of course, he could recognize the clothes he wore; it was what the jogger was wearing as she rounded the corner this morning. Even more shocking was the body under those clothes. He was her! He was the jogger! He was a woman! He had no idea how he was going to explain this to his co-workers. And what about when he went home? How would he explain this to his wife?


  1. Hey, we should add each other to our "My Other Blobs" list. You have great captions and are prolific. I think our readers would love it.

  2. Hey, we should add each other to our "My Other Blobs" list. You have great captions and are prolific. I think our readers would love it.

  3. wow, great story, very mysterious
