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Friday, November 15, 2019


Daniel had been affected much like the rest of the world. He found himself in a woman’s body, but he tried his best to keep a cool head. He assessed the situation fairly calmly. He was young, attractive, and in shape; being a different gender wasn’t the biggest deal. But after a few weeks, he felt like his body was getting fat. It was a no brainer to start going to the gym. But a few more weeks went by, and he was still gaining weight. He complained about this to the other people in the locker room.

Another woman looked as Daniel as he showed off his body.

“You’re not getting fat; you’re pregnant.” The woman explained.

“I’m WHAT!?” Daniel said shocked.

“Have you gotten a period since the Shift?”

“Ew, gross! No! I thought I was just lucky.”

“Well, your body probably ‘got lucky’ just before the Shift, because you are positively pregnant.”

Daniel’s jaw dropped. Being a woman he could handle, but being a mother? The shock of the Shift finally set in for him...

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