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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Sweet Candy

“No! I want the candy from the top shelf!” Jake demanded.

Ron reached up to comply before suddenly turning around to snap back, “You know, just because you swapped into the body of some brat doesn’t mean you have to act like one. And just because I swapped into the body of that brat’s mom doesn’t mean I have to listen to you! In fact, maybe I should be telling you what to do in this mother-child relationship!”

Jake looked like he was about to cry, but Ron wasn’t buying it.

“No,” Ron continued to insist, “I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to play off my new motherly hormones, and it’s kind of working. But I also know we’re both grown men here, and I know that you’re still checking out y new ass while turning on the water works. It’s gross, man! If I could abandon you here, I would, but as long as I’m in the body of this mom, I guess I have to play the part. But that doesn’t mean I have to buy you this goddamn candy.”


  1. Good job the guy can't get turned on in the little boy's body now, otherwise he'd have a crush on his own mom, in a way. Hot!
