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Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Nick wasn’t sure how he was able to possess other people, and he was still perfecting his ability. After the possession, he felt quite terrible; it was a little like being hung over. Each time it would be a little shorter, but it still lasted several hours. Then he also couldn’t seem to get back to his own body or possess someone else for a few days, which wouldn’t be a biggest problem except for the fact that he didn’t have the most control over who he was going to possess. If he aimed for one person, he might easily end up in the body of someone as far as fifty feet away. That’s how he found himself in the body of Mrs. Crane instead of Mr. Crane that morning. In a way, he was improving. She was only inches from him when Nick decided to possess him. Still, the awful hangover feeling coupled with his first time possessing a woman was particularly hard for him. Nick excused himself and headed to a cafe for some coffee. It was all so strange, but he knew he was going to have to deal with it for a few days.

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