Monday, April 30, 2012


After Gene got an F on his latest essay, he was furious. He felt like he didn’t deserve such a poor grade and set his sights on getting revenge on his teacher, Miss Gray. He wanted to get her fired, and he had the perfect scheme. He searched the internet all night before finding what he needed, a body swap spell. He cast it that night and woke up the next morning in Miss Gray’s body. He searched through her closet for the sluttiest outfit he could find. He felt so naked and exposed, but when he showed up to school in Miss Gray’s body wearing this, he was sure it would get her fired. Then again, he didn’t count on the strength of the teachers’ union.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Boxes (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.
Derek didn’t quite know what to do with all the boxes. His car was already stuffed with boxes, and there will still so many left! He’d have to make two or three trips. When he got them all back his house, the situation didn’t get much better. He really didn’t have enough closet space for all of it!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Pool shark (Part 1)

Keith was a pool shark who hustled people at a local bar all the time. He’d throw a few games then amp up the ante and show off his skills. He made a decent living this way. The only problem was that everyone in town soon knew him and what he was up to. Luckily, one day he stumbled upon an alien morphing device that allowed him to change his appearance. Keith found it advantageous to pick a body that seemed weak and naive. For his latest transformation, he chose to be a young woman just over 21 who looked sweet and innocent. Wearing a skirt and heels to the bar felt weird, but he knew he should play up the sex angle too. He approached some smokers outside, bubbly asking if anyone could teach him billiards.

Friday, April 27, 2012

One last look (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.
Max’s smile grew as he made it out to the parking lot, almost at Marilyn’s car. He couldn’t believe that he was getting away with this. He had her body, and he would soon have her life. Who would believe a crazy story about bodyswaping anyway?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sister of the bride

Tina always had a tense relationship with  her sister, Ashley. Tina was introverted and shy; Ashley always flaunted her body. When Ashley arrived at Tina’s wedding in a slutty dress, Tina nearly kicked her out. Their mother talked her out of it, but in hindsight Tina wished she had. During the reception the Great Shift hit and Ashley swapped with Tina’s new husband, Jefferson. The poor man was horrified to be in Ashley’s body and felt awkward in her slutty dress. The worst part was how Tina looked at him now the way she used to look at Ashley, with a subtle hint of disgust and envy.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Bingo Night at the Senior Center sure did look a lot different after the Great Shift. Just last week when Herman looked out, the room had been filled with gray haired heads. Now it seemed there were only maybe one or two silver headed folks in the place. Then again, it’s not like he should be one to talk. Last week he wore an oxygen tank and rode in a wheelchair, and now he was in the body of 20-something year old woman. He wore skimpy clothes to show off his new curves, and he was enjoying every minutes of it--even though he still attended Senior activities like Bingo!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Up front payment

Ian’s band had just completed their most successful show to date. As he walked off the stage basking in the after glow, he suddenly felt strange and pushed around. He realized he was now somehow in the crowd, and even stranger, he appeared to now have the body of one of his band’s female fans! He needed to go see whoever was in his body backstage. Fortunately, he knew his security well, and he knew their weakness, which could easily be exploited with his current body’s assets. Ian quickly located Bob, the horniest security guard, and rubbed up against it. He started pleading to be let backstage, promising sex in return. Bob smiled. He would agree, but payment needed to be made up front. Ian went pale. He did NOT want to have sex with Bob just to see his own body to try and fix this mess.

Monday, April 23, 2012


For the past decade, a small group of European scientists had teamed up with a group of Asian scientists to develop transporting technology. It was based off a theory that it might be impossible to transport the physical body over miles instantly, but it would not be impossible to transport the essence of who they were--their thoughts or their soul. As the two groups were about to attempt a final test, the Asian team decided to play a prank on their European counterparts. While the European scientists put the colorful transportation devices on their heads, the Asians had hired four women to do the same. The lever was switched and the four male Europeans found themselves thousands of miles away in Asia inside the bodies of the four Asian women! Both groups of scientists had a good laugh. The women now inside the bodies of the European scientists miles away were not laughing.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tourist (Part 7)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Click here for Part 5.
Click here for Part 6.
Todd returned to the place where he had first swapped bodies with the Japanese tourist, at least where he thought it was. The entire store didn’t seem to be there anymore--not even the building! It was just an empty space. Todd was sure this was the spot, but there wasn’t even a trace left! He aimlessly walked around the shopping area for a bit, hoping that he was either mistaken and find the store or discover another place that sold the strange trinket that swapped his body with this young woman!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

A long night: Repairs

For Part One please click here.
For Part Two please click here.
For Part Three please click here.
For Part Four please click here.
For Part Five please click here.
For Part Six please click here.
For Part Seven please click here.
For Part Eight please click here.
For Part Nine please click here.
For Part Nine please click here.
Chuck was relieved to find a jean jacket on his way out of the woman’s house; after trekking across town, he was even more thankful to turn off the power from the street without incident. He didn’t find any signs of his family’s bodies anywhere--at least for now--but his first priority had to be to fix his machine; it would be the only way to get everyone back to normal once he did locate them. When he made he way down to the basement, he just stared at his machine for a moment. He had caused so much trouble, so many problems. If he had been the only person affected, he would’ve destroyed it, but he felt an obligation to get everyone back to their proper body. He leaned down and started tinkering, repairing broken circuits and replacing blown out parts.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The switch

“When I was told that this machine could do anything, I had no idea that meant it could switch our bodies!” Ashley exclaimed while continuing to play with switches and knobs, “If one of these...or a series of them...switched us, if we do it again, we’ll probably switch back!”

“I suppose we might...” Dylan responded coldly. He had no desire to swap back. Having Ashley’s sexy body was a dream come true for him. He knew which button caused the swap, and he stared straight at it. There was no way in hell he was going to press it and swap back.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

First in Line

Steve had always wondered what it would be like to be a woman. In his teens, he learned that someone had actually invented a bodyswitching machine, and by the time he turned 21, stores were starting to open up. He was the first in line when one arrived in his town, and he quickly found a woman who agreed to swap with him. But after only one night, he realized that he felt even more awkward as a woman than he ever did as a man. He sat outside the store the next morning, waiting for it to open. He begged for a refund, to get his money back. But the woman was perfectly satisfied in his body, which meant he was stuck!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Alien adventure (Part 13)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Click here for Part 5.
Click here for Part 6.
Click here for Part 7.
Click here for Part 8.
Click here for Part 9.
Click here for Part 10.
Click here for Part 11.
Click here for Part 12.
Jason smiled as the aliens entered the room. He addressed them in their own language.

“Greetings! My name is...” He paused as he, SHE decided to embrace her femininity, “..Jasmine.”

Jason had gone from being an average man to Jasmine, a highly evolved female. She requested a personal shuttle, so she could explore the universe at her leisure. The scared aliens agreed to every demand, but as they finalized plans, a warning sound rang out. The Xlyians were attacking the ship!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Down the ladder

As Dave climbed the ladder, he started to teeter and trip. He managed to jump down the few rungs safely, knocking the ladder over. He looked down at his feet to find the problem: His shoes had transformed into high heeled boots! It wasn’t long before he noticed that his whole body had been changed. He looked like a fashion model or something! A few minutes later, his wife came outside. She yelled at him for making such noise, for not getting his work done yet. He couldn’t believe it. She didn’t even notice the change to his body!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Paradise (Part 6)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Click here for Part 5.
Jerry was thankful to have his own body safely back on board, even if Crystal was still stuck in it (and he stuck in hers). The only thing he could do now was get back to sheering this boat back to shore and hope the medallion that swapped their bodies would find its way back to land.

He certainly wasn’t going to object to spending the next few days in Crystal’s body; he just had no idea what he was going to tell his wife!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Shore leave

The naval ship was on a routine trip in the Pacific Ocean, and the captain had decided to give his crew a little time for shore leave. About a dozen of the men had decided to visit a local strip club, and that was when the Great  Shift hit. Nine of the men switched bodies with strippers. The men quickly grabbed what they could of their uniforms--namely their hats and jackets--and placed  them over their now skimpy outfits. Realizing the panic situation, the men immediately reported back to their ship. The captain was more than a little shocked at the appearance of his crew.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


As James sat by the pond, Chris walked over.

“Hey man,” He mumbled, “I’m sorry I used the MAU machine to turn you into a copy of my sister.”

James didn’t move his gaze, “I guess I’m sorry I used the machine to turn you into a copy of your sister as well.”

“I’m really sorry it stopped working.”

“Yeah, me too. Me too.”

Friday, April 13, 2012

Notice (Part 3)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Bert called his girlfriend while on the road. She kept telling him that he sounded funny; she asked if the experiment had done something to his voice. He laughed it off, telling her she must be crazy. Pulling up to a gas station, he got out of his car. The jean shorts he wore had ridden up his butt crack. He pulled them out in a very un-ladylike manner,yet he still didn’t realize that he now had a woman’s body. Maybe his mind just didn’t want to believe what was right in front of him.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


When Arthur saw his own face, he screamed. It was like seeing his own body controlled by someone else, which of course it was. He hadn’t yet bothered to look down at his own body--he soul was now inside his girlfriend’s body. The couple had switched bodies thanks to the Great Shift, and both were terrified.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ASAP! (Part 5)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Dr. Samuel Blake awoke the next morning hoping it was all a dream, but the massive hangover he had told him otherwise. He put his hands to his temples, still a little shocked to see Miho’s tiny fingers with painted nails instead of his own. It was early, so early in fact that he realized that he had about an hour before campus security would arrive to escort him off-campus. He had enough time to get to his research station and tell Miho; he could only hope that she would be there already!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cranky (Part 3)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
George couldn’t have been more excited about being young again. He had been so old before the Shift that he had lost all his sexual drive. Figuring his new body was pretty attractive, he tried using the mirror to check it out. But something about it just didn’t do anything for him.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Vertigo (Part 4)

Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 1.
As Carson held his hand on his knee to steady himself, he noticed how smooth, shapely, and perfectly sexy the legs he now had were. In fact, from what he could see, this body was a downright knockout! He started to become curious about what his new face looked like! If he had to be a woman, he was sure glad it was a beautiful one!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Children and parents (Part 3)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Frank started to absent-mindedly play with his hair. “I have a feeling they’re okay,” he said.

“But how do you know?” His wife asked.

“I don’t. But do you remember that concert they wanted to go to? The one we told them they couldn’t attend? It’s today. I just sort of have a feeling they did this. Either so that they could go or as revenge or something.”

“Do you think they’re at the concert?” She gasped.

“It can’t hurt to try to see...”

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Relatively speaking

Samuel had been on vacation in Paris for a week, but he had already met and feel in love with a wonderful woman. Even though he barely spoke a word of French and she only knew a little English, the two were instantly in love. As they shared a picnic in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, something strange began to happen. Samuel dematerialized and was absorbed into his lover’s body. His soul quickly took control and he smiled with the thought that he’d never have to be apart from her! But then he opened his mouth, and he realized that he could only speak French! It was weird to not be able to understand a single word that he was speaking!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Tourist (Part 6)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Click here for Part 5.
Todd stuffed his face as quickly as he could. Then he pulled out something from the purse in hopes to get it translated. A man looked at the paper, then looked at Todd.

He laughed, “Are you stupid? Do you know nothing of your heritage? Why are you asking Chinese people if they can read Japanese?”

Todd’s eyes went wide. He thanked the man, and stuffed the last of his food into his mouth. He’d probably have to search a different part of town for his body, but he’d go back to the store and find that trinket that caused this mess first!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

7 days (Part 6)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Click here for Part 5.
The researchers gave one last look before telling Dwight that he could leave for the day. Dwight rolled his eyes, he couldn’t be more glad to be done with this boring science stuff for the day. Something told him that he should be paying attention, but he just didn’t want to. He had a busy day planned of window shopping. He couldn’t wait to get paid for this experiment, so that he could do some ACTUAL shopping! Katrina just didn’t have the extra cash; he wondered if there was a way to earn a little money sooner...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Better understanding

Troy and Brenda were having trouble in their marriage. They went to see a psychiatrist, who had them meditate, putting them in a deep trance. When they came out of it, they were in each other’s bodies! For the next week, they learned to better understand each other, and their marriage became stronger than ever. At the end of the week, the psychiatrist had them meditate again. But Troy realized that he didn’t want to go back to his old body. He did his best to keep his eyes open to keep from falling in that trance. So far it was working!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sidelined (Part 15)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Click here for Part 4.
Click here for Part 5.
Click here for Part 6.
Click here for Part 7.
Click here for Part 8.
Click here for Part 9.
Click here for Part 10.
Click here for Part 11.
Click here for Part 12.
Click here for Part 13.
Click here for Part 14.
Michael decided to put off his decision until at least the end of summer. He decided that there was something about being Sarah that just felt right to, to HER. It wasn’t that she felt comfortable as a woman now; it was that she actually felt something right about being Sarah. She felt that it was as if this was the body she was always meant to be in. She hadn’t felt quite like this when she was Keiko or when she was Misty. She sat in the grass sucking on a hot popsicle in the summer sun when a thought dawned on her. Maybe that’s how this whole mess started; maybe someone just ended up in a body that felt ‘right.’ What lengths would the real Sarah go to in order to get her body back? She may have been told that the spell was destroyed, but what if she’s just not satisfied with that?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Back to school (Part 1)

It had been well over 60 years since Al had last stepped foot in a classroom. The Great Shift had given him a new lease on life, and he was going to take advantage of being young again by getting some extra schooling. Of course, there was a practical reason for taking classes as well. He had been out of the workforce for ten years when the Great Shift hit. Now that he was young, he’d have to get a job again. If he had any hopes of getting one, he’d need to know a lot about computers and other new technology! He smiled as he  walked toward campus, leaving his wife in the car. He was happy that she had been shifted into a young body as well. He had already spent one lifetime with her, and he was excited to have a second one with her as well, even if he was now the woman in the relationship and she was now the man!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day out (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.
Will jumped into his car and drove to where he knew Erica would go. Pressing down on the pedals while wearing Erica’s heels felt weird, so did the seatbelt atop his breasts. He wasn’t liking it, and pushed the gas down harder. He arrived at his secluded hiking spot, spying Erica’s truck nearby. She probably hadn’t gotten far yet, and while it may be difficult to run in heels, he was sure he could catch up with her and demand that she switch them back right now!