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Friday, August 14, 2015

Earning It

As Emily looked nervously over at her husband, she was starting to have second thoughts about her plan. When she had the opportunity to apply for a new job, she jumped at it. But how to go on the interview without her current boss knowing? She scheduled the interview for first thing Monday morning, then after pulling an old medallion out from a box buried deep in the closet on the Sunday before, she asked her unemployed husband for a favor. She used the medallion to turn him into her exact double. He’d go to work for her while she went on the interview. She had expected him to put up a fight or object, but he seemed rather happy to help out. It had only been a few minutes after the transformation, but she couldn’t help but be weary. Then again, maybe she should leave him like this. After all, if she got the job, he could keep working at her old place for a bit, finally earning his keep.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!I love it that there are now 2 of her. lots of possiblities I wonder if she ever as to become him?
