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Thursday, September 7, 2023

Last One Left

Jason was returning to Earth. The mission to colonize another planet had failed. They didn’t even get halfway there when they were attacked by the alien -- even if they didn’t know it at first. The alien was able to swap people’s bodies around, and take the form of anyone on the ship.  Then it would go about systematically killing the crew one-by-one. While Jason’s body was among the first to die, he lived on, constantly being switched from person to person by the alien. It became a process of elimination when he was the last of two left. The other living human had to be the alien, which he promptly killed. This left him alone on the ship floating back to Earth in the body of a woman named Ling Choi. Explaining it all was going to be tough, but he knew that if humanity hoped to get further out, they were going to need a plan to beat this thing. And he could only hope his return to Earth wouldn’t lead more body swapping aliens straight back to home.

Jason was returning to Earth. The mission to colonize another planet had failed. They didn’t even get halfway there when they were attacked by the alien -- even if they didn’t know it at first.

The alien was able to swap people’s bodies around, and take the form of anyone on the ship. Then it would go about systematically killing the crew one-by-one. While Jason’s body was among the first to die, he lived on, constantly being switched from person to person by the alien. It became a process of elimination when he was the last of two left. The other living human had to be the alien, which he promptly killed. This left him alone on the ship floating back to Earth in the body of a woman named Ling Choi. Explaining it all was going to be tough, but he knew that if humanity hoped to get further out, they were going to need a plan to beat this thing. And he could only hope his return to Earth wouldn’t lead more body swapping aliens straight back to home.

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