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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Shortcut (Part 1)

Jeff had been riding his skateboard back to his dorm from campus, taking a shortcut through a condo unit that had sprung up recently when he felt a sharp pain in his back. For a minute, he had worried he had really hurt himself; thinking back to the warnings his parents gave about wearing a helmet that he had promptly ignored once going off to college. But nothing felt broken; it was more like an ache. And he realized he was now inside of a condo instead of out on the sidewalk. And he looked at his hands, which now seemed wrinkled; he wasn’t in pain from being hurt, it was just age! But why was he old? And why were his nails painted? These weren’t old versions of his own hands; these hands belonged to someone else! A woman! An older woman! And yet he seemed to be in control of these hands! What the heck had happened? How did he go from a young college guy one minute to a woman old enough to have wrinkles on her hands the next?

Jeff had been riding his skateboard back to his dorm from campus, taking a shortcut through a condo unit that had sprung up recently when he felt a sharp pain in his back. For a minute, he had worried he had really hurt himself; thinking back to the warnings his parents gave about wearing a helmet that he had promptly ignored once going off to college. But nothing felt broken; it was more like an ache. And he realized he was now inside of a condo instead of out on the sidewalk. And he looked at his hands, which now seemed wrinkled; he wasn’t in pain from being hurt, it was just age! But why was he old? And why were his nails painted? These weren’t old versions of his own hands; these hands belonged to someone else! A woman! An older woman! And yet he seemed to be in control of these hands! What the heck had happened? How did he go from a young college guy one minute to a woman old enough to have wrinkles on her hands the next?

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