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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

It Started with a Cough

Dr. Hans Fielding entered his office quite surprised. Instead of the patient he was expecting, he saw his nurse there; she seemed to be taking off her uniform.

“Excuse me, Nurse. Where is...” He checked his forms, “Mr. Baldwin?”

Dr. Hans Fielding entered his office quite surprised. Instead of the patient he was expecting, he saw his nurse there; she seemed to be taking off her uniform.

stead of the patient he was expecting, he saw his nurse there; she seemed to be taking off her uniform.

“Excuse me, Nurse. Where is...” He checked his forms, I am Jerry Baldwin!” The nurse protested, “I came in with a cough. And somehow I coughed hard enough that it sort of ejected my soul frommy body. The nurse was standing here...she must’ve breathed me in! And so I became her while my own body just sort of turned to dust! I was just changing into the gown, so you could take a look at me. After all, something is very wrong here!”

Dr. Hans Fielding entered his office quite surprised. Instead of the patient he was expecting, he saw his nurse there; she seemed to be taking off her uniform.

“I see. This is beyond my expertise I’m afraid, but I do have a colleague that might be able to help you.”

Dr. Hans Fielding entered his office quite surprised. Instead of the patient he was expecting, he saw his nurse there; she seemed to be taking off her uniform.

Dr. Fielding handed Jerry a card for a psychiatrist, thinking his nurse had gone completely crazy. It seemed like an absolutely off-the-wall story, but the thing is -- it was absolutely the truth!

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