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Monday, August 14, 2023

Magic Staff (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Magic Staff.
Jason never saw the witch or his body again. For the rest of the convention, many people treated him as a hero -- though a few feared him, thinking he was actually the witch and not just in her body. He figured out how to use the staff and swapped any people who came to him wanting to get back to their own bodies. Plenty of people didn’t want to swap back. If one person wanted to and the other one didn’t, he was torn at first. However, ultimately he decided it was pretty violating to the original person’s body if he refused to swap them back. Luckily, the staff seemed to instill the ability to tell who was really who. He also offered to swap the person not wanting to swap back to switch with someone else  -- if they could find a willing party. And while Jason had been apprehesive aboout being in a woman’s body at first, he was getting used to it by the time the convention was over. Though he really couldn’t go back to his old life looking like this. He wondered what he would do now...

Jason never saw the witch or his body again. For the rest of the convention, many people treated him as a hero -- though a few feared him, thinking he was actually the witch and not just in her body. He figured out how to use the staff and swapped any people who came to him wanting to get back to their own bodies. Plenty of people didn’t want to swap back. If one person wanted to and the other one didn’t, he was torn at first. However, ultimately he decided it was pretty violating to the original person’s body if he refused to swap them back. Luckily, the staff seemed to instill the ability to tell who was really who. He also offered to swap the person not wanting to swap back to switch with someone else -- if they could find a willing party. And while Jason had been apprehesive aboout being in a woman’s body at first, he was getting used to it by the time the convention was over. Though he really couldn’t go back to his old life looking like this. He wondered what he would do now...

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