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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Kick to the Nuts

The Great Shift hit and Les found himself in a dark room with a muffled bass coming through the walls. He deduced that he was backstage at a local club. He felt the taste of metal in his mouth; licking his lips, he discovered a lipring. Tight leggings encased his legs, topped off with some boots. This wasn't his body, and the two breasts and lack of a bulge through those leggings meant it must've been a woman's body. As he began to panic about his situation, a door creaked open, and a drunk man came staggering through. He asked, "So, Babe, are you ready for me?" Les was freaked out as the man, unaffected by the Shift, began to force himself on Les's new body. He certainly wasn't going to allow this asshole to rape him! Les quickly kicked his boot into the man's private parts, causing him to reel in pain, and curse. Les ran from the room. He didn't know where he was going to go, but he knew he had to get out of there! [LINK]

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