Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Winter Break (Part 1)

Kurt and his three friends had decided to skip going home for winter break. They forgoed seeing their families to head upstate to a ski resort instead. After several days on the slopes, they all decided to explore the woods not far from the resort. It didn’t take long for the group to get separated from each other. At first, Kurt tried to find his way back to the others by tracing his own tracks in the snow, but he was quickly distracted by something in the distance. He walked over to investigate and was amazed by the strange white cloud that seemed to just hover in mid-air. For a moment, it just stared at it. It was like a snowfall that had gotten frozen in time while falling. When it finally started to move, it didn’t fall down, it went sideways towards Kurt, engulfing him for a short while before returning to its place hovering in from of him before finally dissipating. Kurt was in so much awe that he hadn’t noticed the changes the strange thing caused. It had completely transformed him into one of his friends, Chelsea...and it had plans for the rest of his group as well...
Kurt and his three friends had decided to skip going home for winter break. They forgoed seeing their families to head upstate to a ski resort instead. After several days on the slopes, they all decided to explore the woods not far from the resort. It didn’t take long for the group to get separated from each other. At first, Kurt tried to find his way back to the others by tracing his own tracks in the snow, but he was quickly distracted by something in the distance. He walked over to investigate and was amazed by the strange white cloud that seemed to just hover in mid-air. For a moment, it just stared at it. It was like a snowfall that had gotten frozen in time while falling. When it finally started to move, it didn’t fall down, it went sideways towards Kurt, engulfing him for a short while before returning to its place hovering in from of him before finally dissipating. Kurt was in so much awe that he hadn’t noticed the changes the strange thing caused. It had completely transformed him into one of his friends, Chelsea...and it had plans for the rest of his group as well...

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