In the middle of one of his shouts, Henry went quiet, the whole restaurant did. Suddenly, he found himself standing on his feet with a pen in his hand. Instead of barking, he was being barked at, but all he could do was nod and write down what the person speaking to him was saying. It didn’t take him long to realize he was in the body of one of the waitresses!
He wanted to scream and walk off the job, but he just couldn’t stop himself from obediently taking orders and serving tables. It wasn’t until the end of his shift several hours later that he was able to finally sit down. His feet were killing him. The owner walked over and stood next to him with a smirk.
“You think this job is easy?” She told him, “You think you can do better? I pay most of my staff well, but not you. You’ll be making minimum wage. All my staff speak perfect english, but you’ll soon be finding your knowledge of it to be quite limited. And while I assure you that all my staff are here legally; you’re own papers are now questionable at best. Let’s see how easy it is for you to escape.”

geat story & use of pic. Nice touch that he makes veyr little money, limited english with qiestionable paperd. Was it aa swa?