Thursday, August 22, 2019


Shortly after The Great Shift, rumors started about secret government technology that existed to swap people’s bodies in order to get everyone back to normal. It was a few months before the official announcement and a plan to start swapping people back. Jasper had no desire to sign up. He hadn’t bothered to check if his original body was still alive or the state of the person whose body he currently occupied. As he lifted his leg above his head before a swim, he knew he’d be crazy to ever give this up willingly. He was young again, and he had certainly never been this athletic or flexible. The Great Shift had been a dream that he never wanted to wake up from. There was no way the government or anyone else could force him back into his 70 year old body, and he’d fight it with every bone in his flexible, now 25 year old body if they tried.

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