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Monday, October 23, 2023

Not One of Those Stories

It so often seemed that a lot of stories about the Great Shift involved someone swapping into a gorgeous body. This is not one of those stories. Of course, Calvin had plenty of friends who found themselves in gorgeous bodies, but Calvin himself? He hated looking at his new face in the mirror. Something about his body just looked awkward. Maybe his smile was too crooked or his face was just too asymmetrical. It didn’t help that before the Shift, he had been a tall, good looking man; now he was a short, awkward-looking woman with little to no motivation to improve his appearance. But then one day at the grocery store, he needed to get something off the top shelf. He was absolutely frustrated by his inability to reach the top. He didn’t want to talk to anyone but he knew what he had to do; after all, people used to ask him the same thing all the time when he was tall. So he asked a man for some help, and as he watched, he began to feel something odd. It was the first time he was feeling these things since being in a woman’s body. He was feeling...attraction. He began to smile as he watched. He thought about asking this guy out until he remembered what he presently looked like. There was no way this guy would go out with him. But maybe he could try a little makeup? Or put on a cute dress? Or both? Then maybe he’d come back to this store, and this guy would happen to be here again at the same time? Then he could ask? Maybe he could make this body work after all...

It so often seemed that a lot of stories about the Great Shift involved someone swapping into a gorgeous body. This is not one of those stories. Of course, Calvin had plenty of friends who found themselves in gorgeous bodies, but Calvin himself? He hated looking at his new face in the mirror. Something about his body just looked awkward. Maybe his smile was too crooked or his face was just too asymmetrical. It didn’t help that before the Shift, he had been a tall, good looking man; now he was a short, awkward-looking woman with little to no motivation to improve his appearance.

But then one day at the grocery store, he needed to get something off the top shelf. He was absolutely frustrated by his inability to reach the top. He didn’t want to talk to anyone but he knew what he had to do; after all, people used to ask him the same thing all the time when he was tall. So he asked a man for some help, and as he watched, he began to feel something odd. It was the first time he was feeling these things since being in a woman’s body. He was feeling...attraction. He began to smile as he watched. He thought about asking this guy out until he remembered what he presently looked like. There was no way this guy would go out with him. But maybe he could try a little makeup? Or put on a cute dress? Or both? Then maybe he’d come back to this store, and this guy would happen to be here again at the same time? Then he could ask? Maybe he could make this body work after all...

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