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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Harold's Legacy

Harold had always been a beloved figure in our town. He was a rich old dude with a big heart. We don’t know how he had his money invested, but he always gave to the town library, the little league, and local charities. Whatever he had his money in, it never seem to affect his bottom line, and he always gave more.

Shortly before he died, he started dating a young woman named Rose, who he eventually married. Considering how quick it happened, we all thought she killed him, but no one could prove it. With her now in charge of the funds, the generosity stopped. A few charities had to shut down, and things were looking bleak.

Then the Great Shift happened. And wouldn’t you know it? Suddenly, a guy like me found himself inside the body of Harold’s gold-digging widow, Rose. With a call to some accountants, I had all the donations resumed. When the real Rose turned up, she tried to protest and claim that she was the real Rose, but no one in town wanted to testify on her behalf. The numerous court cases were all thrown out. Everyone was certainly happy to pretend like I was the real Rose and have me manage Harold’s fortune. There was plenty of money to go around. I was able to live quite lavishly, and still continue the legacy of Harold’s generosity.

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