Saturday, January 7, 2023


As Alyssa and Max stood and listened, the doctor nervously explained why Max now appeared to be Alyssa’s exact twin.

As Alyssa and Max stood and listened, the doctor nervously explained why Max now appeared to be Alyssa’s exact twin.

“Well, you see when you both arrived after the car accident,” The doctor began, “Max was in rough shape. We were experimenting with a unique gene technique that would surely save his life. Alyssa was simply the obvious donor patient. What we didn’t expect was the treatment overriding your DNA, Max, with yours, Alyssa. Genetically, you two are now completely identical. Of course, Max still has his own thoughts, memories, and experiences. He’s still Max, but his outward appearance. Keep in mind, the alternative was Max’s death! And, of course, we will compensate you appropriately!”

Despite the weirdness of the situation, both Max and Alyssa realized it could have been worse, and they were quite interested in how the hospital planned to compensate them for being the subject of an unethical experiment!

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