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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Got It Maid (Part 1)

For the first few days of his trip on Exchange Island, Richard thought things were going well. He had the body of a supermodel and was living it up. But in a completely unexpected twist, he ended up swapping bodies with one of the maids. In terms of bodies, it was a clear step down. The staff on Exchange Island were eager to make it up to him. While swapping bodies with a worker was not unheard of, swapping in the middle of one’s trip certainly was! It was a clear error, and Richard was offered a VIP pass on a future visit and access to all extra amenities on this trip. He was still pretty upset about it, but there was nothing he could do for now except try to enjoy this new body as much as possible.

For the first few days of his trip on Exchange Island, Richard thought things were going well. He had the body of a supermodel and was living it up. But in a completely unexpected twist, he ended up swapping bodies with one of the maids. In terms of bodies, it was a clear step down. The staff on Exchange Island were eager to make it up to him. While swapping bodies with a worker was not unheard of, swapping in the middle of one’s trip certainly was! It was a clear error, and Richard was offered a VIP pass on a future visit and access to all extra amenities on this trip. He was still pretty upset about it, but there was nothing he could do for now except try to enjoy this new body as much as possible.

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