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Monday, April 3, 2023

Weird New Roommate (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Weird New Roommate.
When Mihn went off to my job in my body, I just sort of sat around the house in Mihn’s body for an hour. It felt pretty uneventful. But then I got a text message on her phone, offering $90 in exchange for a picture of her foot. It felt weird to do it. However, I supposed this was how Mihn made money, and (as I may have mentioned) weird was sort of Mihn’s thing. I fielded a few more texts like that and realized Mihn probably made more in an hour than I made in a week. After I had done several dozen, I felt a weird thrill run through me -- I wondered if this was something Mihn felt when she did this. It spurned me into an in depth exploration of Mihn’s body, which I hated to admit that I enjoyed every second of. That night, I asked Mihn if we could stay swapped for another day, to which she happily agreed. Then when she was at my job the next day, I threw the medallion into the trash and took the can to the curb. I was loving being the weird and beautiful Mihn, and I never wanted to go back to my old, boring male body. She wouldn’t have a choice either; the garbagemen would be picking up the trash well before she came home!

When Mihn went off to my job in my body, I just sort of sat around the house in Mihn’s body for an hour. It felt pretty uneventful. But then I got a text message on her phone, offering $90 in exchange for a picture of her foot. It felt weird to do it. However, I supposed this was how Mihn made money, and (as I may have mentioned) weird was sort of Mihn’s thing. I fielded a few more texts like that and realized Mihn probably made more in an hour than I made in a week. After I had done several dozen, I felt a weird thrill run through me -- I wondered if this was something Mihn felt when she did this. It spurned me into an in depth exploration of Mihn’s body, which I hated to admit that I enjoyed every second of. That night, I asked Mihn if we could stay swapped for another day, to which she happily agreed. Then when she was at my job the next day, I threw the medallion into the trash and took the can to the curb. I was loving being the weird and beautiful Mihn, and I never wanted to go back to my old, boring male body. She wouldn’t have a choice either; the garbagemen would be picking up the trash well before she came home!

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