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Saturday, March 25, 2023


It started with the screens at the electronics store glitching, then the lights flickered, but then the strange electrical anomaly began to affect people. When it hit Martin’s head, he felt paralyzed for a moment before it then seemed to release him. But the anomaly apparently also teleported the contents of his brain across the store and into a completely different body! He wanted to feel horrified as he looked down at the leather dress now on his very female body, but instead he felt happy. He wondered if that was still the anomaly’s electrical inpulses triggering the pleasure center of his brain. It should, after all, be shocking to have one’s electrical pathways placed into a new body, but instead of panicking, Martin was feeling alright.

It started with the screens at the electronics store glitching, then the lights flickered, but then the strange electrical anomaly began to affect people. When it hit Martin’s head, he felt paralyzed for a moment before it then seemed to release him. But the anomaly apparently also teleported the contents of his brain across the store and into a completely different body! He wanted to feel horrified as he looked down at the leather dress now on his very female body, but instead he felt happy. He wondered if that was still the anomaly’s electrical inpulses triggering the pleasure center of his brain. It should, after all, be shocking to have one’s electrical pathways placed into a new body, but instead of panicking, Martin was feeling alright.

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