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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Elliot couldn’t even react after watching Julie tear up her plane ticket and leave the airport. He had swapped bodies with Julie when they first arrived on Exchange Island. While he knew that new experiences were the entire premise of the resort, he still found being stuck in a woman’s body far more challenging than he anticipated. He had brefriended Julie a few days into the trip, and she seemed to be struggling just as much with his body. However, it was all over now. They were the airport. They were supposed to get on that plane, swap back, and fly home. But if she wasn’t there, what would happen? Would they not allow him on the plane? Would they force her back here? What if they allowed him to leave, and he ended up stuck in her body? And, of course, he wondered why she ripped up her ticket and left in the first place. Had she just pretended to be unhappy? He didn’t want to be stuck in Julie’s body -- not here on Exchange Island and not back home. But what was he going to do now if she wouldn’t leave?

Elliot couldn’t even react after watching Julie tear up her plane ticket and leave the airport. He had swapped bodies with Julie when they first arrived on Exchange Island. While he knew that new experiences were the entire premise of the resort, he still found being stuck in a woman’s body far more challenging than he anticipated. He had brefriended Julie a few days into the trip, and she seemed to be struggling just as much with his body.

However, it was all over now. They were the airport. They were supposed to get on that plane, swap back, and fly home. But if she wasn’t there, what would happen? Would they not allow him on the plane? Would they force her back here? What if they allowed him to leave, and he ended up stuck in her body? And, of course, he wondered why she ripped up her ticket and left in the first place. Had she just pretended to be unhappy? He didn’t want to be stuck in Julie’s body -- not here on Exchange Island and not back home. But what was he going to do now if she wouldn’t leave?

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