Friday, September 6, 2013

Jaw dropped (Part 3)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
TG Body Swap
“I still can’t believe I’m in your body. I have your...” He paused and used his hands to form cups, “...and you’re saying I get to choose how long I can stay like this. But what do you get out of all this!?”

“Marc, I just developed something that can switch two peoples bodies,” Deborah told him, “I’m pretty sure I can get whatever I want in life. There’s still some gender bias in this world, and introducing this invention as a man has a bit of an advantage. For you, I was just returning a favor to an old friend.”

“Thank you. And I’ve thought about it while we sat here. I’m picking to stay in your body forever if that’s okay.”

“You know it is...”

1 comment:

  1. Very cool series! I like how the pictures and expression fit the story!

