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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Know Who You Think I Am

"I know who you think I am. You can stop staring; I'm not her!"

Two weeks ago, Carl had found a strange alien machine that could morph his body by just thinking about it and then entering the machine. Carl had been younger, older, more muscular, and all sorts of things. As the days went by, Carl thought about really getting a new life experience and really testing the machine's limits. He thought about one of his favorite hollywood movie stars, and he was soon her...and even wearing the clothes he had envisioned her in! Previous changes had felt a little weird, but having breasts and no penis was something completely different. He felt very uncomfortable, but when he tried to use the machine again, it had stopped working. Maybe he broke it? Or overloaded it? He decided to try again later. He killed time by going out to the grovery store, which turned out to be hugely annoying. People kept staring at what appeared to be a movie star in their midst. Several guys even came up and awkwardly talked to Carl; a few even asked him out. He got totally fed up with one guy following him and screamed in his direction. When he returned home, the machine was still broke. Days passed; still broken. Carl was
stuck. He'd have to get used to his new body...or should I now say HER new body?


  1. Hello, nice caps! Is the woman in the pic actually a movie star?? If so, what's her name?
