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Saturday, March 21, 2009


What the heck? Timothy was completely caught off guard to look down and see two perfect breasts popping out from under his green dress. Wait a second...why was he wearing a green dress? Why was he wearing a dress at all? And why did he have breasts? And this jacket? Tights? High-heeled boots? His mind started racing. Somehow he had wound up in the body of a woman! He had so many questions like how did this happen? When did this happen--was it just now or did it take him a while to notice? How could he have not noticed? What could possible have caused this? If he spontaneously changed genders, where did these clothes come from? If he swapped bodies, where was his old body? Did he have an identity or was he now just some anonymous woman? As question after question poured into his head, his hands roamed around a little more exploring his new body.

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