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Monday, March 2, 2009

What a Great Wish

Pete found a weird coin on the street that said "Good for one wish." He had never believed in magic, so he laughed at the coin as he tossed it in his pocket to forget about it. As he approached his apartment building, he found out that the entrance was blocked by a film crew doing a modeling shoot; they would not let him pass to get home. He caught a glimpse of the model. She was gorgeous, and he couldn't help but feel envious of her. Models must have it so easy, catered on hand and foot at shoots. Plus, they must be the center of attention everywhere they go. "I wish I had her life," he muttered. He felt a burning sensation come from his pocket. He couldn't imagine what it could possibly be, then he remembered the coin! As the burning intensified, he blacked out. When he regained his senses, he had indeed swapped lives with the model. He was her, sporting her cute top and wearing her high heeled boots! Then he heard screaming...familiar screaming. His old body was getting physcial with the crew and ready to attack! Pete felt the urge to run! After getting about a block, his feet started to KILL him...must've been the shoes! He was about to regret his off-the-cuff wish when he spied a man getting out of a nearby limo. "Kate," he yelled at Pete, "Come on, get in! There's no reason you should have to deal with crazies! Besides, you've got to be a VIP at that party tonight, and we have to get you ready!" Pete smirked. This WAS the life; what a great wish.

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