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Saturday, February 11, 2023

A Bad Choice

It had all happened six months ago on a warm summer night. Darrell saw the woman standing alone on the train platform. Being ina rather desperate place, he decided to snatch her purse. It didn’t go as planned. The woman fought back. In the struggle he grabbed a loose stone and hit her. As she lay there with blood coming from her head, he grabbed the purse and ran. There wasn’t much inside and only about $10 in cash. He cursed his misfortune and was mad with himself for what he had done. He wished he could make amends.

That’s when he saw a mysterious glow coming from the train station in the distance. It shot up into a beam, and that beam headed straight for Darrell. As it hit him, he wanted to vomit. It was like his bones were breaking and reforming. And in an instance, it went away. But what it left behind to Darrell was significant; it had transformed him into the very woman he just killed! He realized living her life would be his penance. He opened up the purse again and looked for her ID to get his new address. He then walked back to the train station to go to his new home.

He hadn’t returned to that train station until today. Now in winter, it was cold. He stood there and watched the trains pass, thinking of his life these past six months. He had to learn about how to be a woman; he had to learn about this woman’s life; and he had to adjust accordingly. She was better off than he was, with a stable job but single. He hadn’t tried dating yet, but as another train whooshed by, he thought about it. He still wished he hadn’t made that bad choice six months ago.

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