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Monday, February 13, 2023

The Merge (Part 3)

View The Merge (Part 1) here.
View The Merge (Part 2) here.

Of course, the students weren’t the only ones affected, teachers got caught up in the merge as well. Jake, the class slacker, merged with Mrs. Stoll, and ended up insisting the students call her by her new first name, Jane.

The new Jane seemed closer in age to Jake but was a woman like Mrs. Stoll. She still ended up teaching classes but was a lot more laid back in the way she did. She’d do things like wear baggie hoodies with professional pencil skirts, and loved drugs just as much as Jake had. She stayed married to Mr. Stoll, however, there were a lot of rumors about how she now insisted on an open relationship. In fact, Jane even showed up to prom with Alana, who had been absent on the day of the merge and had previously agreed to attend with Jake. And when fall rolled around, Jane continued to teach while also taking night and weekend classes at community college as Jake had planned to do.

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