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Monday, November 13, 2023

The Hall of Mirrors

This story is loosely inspired by my memories of a similar series at Fictionmania from many years ago.

Dave was tired of the long lines at the amusement park. The log flume has an hour wait; the roller coaster was over ninety minutes. He was ready to give up and leave when it saw the Hall of Mirrors. He shrugged. The Hall of Mirrors was pretty stupid, but it had one thing going for it no line. It started out as a typical-easy-to-navigate maze that lead to a room. And suddenly Dave was impressed. Instead of his simply being distorted, looking in these mirrors had reflections that chaned him into entirely different people. It was weird watching all sorts of people of different ages, races, and genders mimicing his moves in these mirrors. He wondered if they were more screens than mirrors and reached out to touch one where he was reflected back as an Asian woman in a short red dress. As he did so, instead of touching the glass, his hand went straight in. As he tried to pull it out, he got sucked inside.  He soon found himself in the room again, but the mirrors were no longer reflecting anything. He shrugged as he made his way back out. In the maze, his new reflection was unavoidable -- he had become the Asian woman from the mirror he had touched! He walked out of the Hall of Mirrors and discovered he was now at a completely different place that was more than a carnival than an amusement park. He realized he couldn’t read any of the signs, and he wasn’t sure if that was because they were in a foreign language or if this body couldn’t read. It was beginning to dawn on him that he wasn’t just in a different boy; he was inhabiting a completely different life!

Dave was tired of the long lines at the amusement park. The log flume has an hour wait; the roller coaster was over ninety minutes. He was ready to give up and leave when it saw the Hall of Mirrors. He shrugged. The Hall of Mirrors was pretty stupid, but it had one thing going for it: no line.

It started out as a typical-easy-to-navigate maze that lead to a room. And suddenly Dave was impressed. Instead of his simply being distorted, looking in these mirrors had reflections that chaned him into entirely different people. It was weird watching all sorts of people of different ages, races, and genders mimicing his moves in these mirrors. He wondered if they were more screens than mirrors and reached out to touch one where he was reflected back as an Asian woman in a short red dress. As he did so, instead of touching the glass, his hand went straight in. As he tried to pull it out, he got sucked inside.

He soon found himself in the room again, but the mirrors were no longer reflecting anything. He shrugged as he made his way back out. In the maze, his new reflection was unavoidable -- he had become the Asian woman from the mirror he had touched! He walked out of the Hall of Mirrors and discovered he was now at a completely different place that was more than a carnival than an amusement park. He realized he couldn’t read any of the signs, and he wasn’t sure if that was because they were in a foreign language or if this body couldn’t read. It was beginning to dawn on him that he wasn’t just in a different boy; he was inhabiting a completely different life!

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