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Thursday, November 30, 2023

Shortcut (Part 3)

View Part 1 of Shortcut.
View Part 2 of Shortcut.
After about a week without a word from the hospital, Jeff was getting worried. He called the hospital first, but they said there was not a patient with that name. But if his body wasn’t there, where had it gone? While the professor was out teaching a class, Jeff decided to explore the house, eventually realizing a door in the basement that he had never been in and was presently locked. With a few tools, he managed to break it down. Behind the door was like a small apartment with a bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom.Sure enough, in one of the rooms was his body, hooked up to all sorts of machines and tubes. He was thankful it was alive, but what sort of condition was it in? And why was it here and not at the hospital? What didn’t he know?

After about a week without a word from the hospital, Jeff was getting worried. He called the hospital first, but they said there was not a patient with that name. But if his body wasn’t there, where had it gone?

While the professor was out teaching a class, Jeff decided to explore the house, eventually realizing a door in the basement that he had never been in and was presently locked. With a few tools, he managed to break it down. Behind the door was like a small apartment with a bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom.Sure enough, in one of the rooms was his body, hooked up to all sorts of machines and tubes. He was thankful it was alive, but what sort of condition was it in? And why was it here and not at the hospital? What didn’t he know?

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