Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Dainty Knight

Batman was on high alert. Sneaking into Joker’s lair seemed almost too easy. The henchmen didn’t put up much of a fight and there were few, easily dispatched, traps. Before long, he was face-to-face with the clown prince, demanding to know where the Commissioner was. The Joker just laughed as he blew a small amount of powder in Batman’s face.

Batman expected this trick and quickly injected himself with an anti-toxin to counteract Joker gas. The Joker laughed even harder.

“Exactly as a I planned!” The Joker cackled, “That wasn’t my typical toxin at all! This’ll be even funnier!”

Within moments, Batman’s body shifted in pain. His entire body re-arranged, turning into that of a woman.

“Don’t think this is going to stop me from taking you down, Joker,” Batman grumbled.

“I look forward to it, Dainty Knight...”

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